Chapter 034.

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Waiting until everyone is fully asleep, Cira pulls her sheets off her. A rush of cold air hits her. A yawn escapes her lips. She ties her hair back from her face and gets out of bed. Her bare feet froze when they hit the freezing ground. She shivers and then stands, moving towards her robe and wraps it around her body to cover her nightgown.

She moves towards the door, the smacks of her feet only being heard. Cira opens her door and the peeks her head out of her room, looking around cautiously.

What was she doing?

Going to train? No.

Planning a prank? Good guess, but no.

As weird as it sounded, she was going to the Library. The castle Library had the history of every alien race that ever lived. Obviously, it has not been updated in 10,000 years, but there had to be something there about Zarkon's daughter.

Her footsteps echo throughout the hall as she tiptoes through, sneaking her way to the library. She looked around cautiously to make sure no one saw her. Arriving after what seemed like forever, Cira looks around. Her eyes narrowed as if she tried to see through the dark. She sighs and glances at the door in front of her. The truth could be with her in the castle. It could be in one of those books in the library. She could find out the truth now. Her breath catches in her throat and she presses the control panel on the side, opening the door in front of her. As she walks in, the room lights up, showing the giant Library. Bookshelves were stacked upon bookshelves and more. She had only been in the room once before, obviously not too interested in what pieces of paper had to say. She walks in and closes the door behind her.

Cira walks towards the staircase and places her right hand on the railing as she moves up the steps. Her eyes trail over each book as she finally reaches the top. Where would she start? Cira takes a breath and then jumps only a little when she is nudged by a small, robotic droid. It was small and square and seemed to be the librarian, "How can I help?" It asks. Cira looks around, quadruple checking that no one else was in the room, "Can you take me to the section of the Galra Empire?"

"Indeed." The small droid nods and moves onto and elevated platform. Cira follows and then the platform shoots up in the air. It was so fast that her hair came undone and her breath escaped her lips. She stumbles and then the platform comes to an immediate stop, making her fly in the air and land on it with a thud.

A groan escapes her lips and the droid wheels past her, "This way." The droid wheels off the platform. She lifts her head with a wince. If she wasn't awake before, she definitely was now. Cira stands and pops her back, following the droid and turning when it did. When it came to a stop, Cira raises an eyebrow, her eyes trained on the books in front of her. Her hands clammed up. She was desperate to know, but she was afraid to know. Finally, she starts breathing again and it takes everything in her to reach her hand out and grab the first book. It was labeled Daibazaal. Of course, that was where Zarkon was from. Everyone knew that.

Her eyes harden when they turn to the small, square droid next to her, "Speak of this to anyone, and I'll use you for spare parts." Her tone was threatening and serious. She wasn't kidding. "Understood?"

The droid nods, "Yes, Princess."

The droid wheels off and Cira turns her gaze back onto the book in her hands. She blows on it and dust flies everywhere. Her eyes stayed glued to it as she turned and found a seat at a table.

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