Chapter 048.

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On the other side of the wormhole, there was Olkarion. There was relief when the planet was in sight. Both could not wait to leave the pod as soon as possible. Cira tried to keep her mouth shut so she wouldn't blow up on Coran. Coran was afraid to speak, overwhelmed by his guilt of not telling her truth from the beginning. Cira kept her gaze locked on the stars of space. Her gaze lowers to her hand which begins to change into a lilac color. Her breath catches in her throat when she sees the rest of her skin changing. She was turning purple. She was turning into a Galra. "What am I?" Her voice shakes. It was filled with hurt, no sense of anger filling it.

Coran looks down, "You are Princess Cira of Altea. Daughter of the late King Alfor—"

"—Don't lie to me!" Cira growls. Her eyes flashed with a searing fury. They changed from her bright blue eyes and and into yellow sclerae with feline pupils. "Tell me what I am!"

Coran freezes. He looks at her, eyes wide with fear. She calms a little, breathing deeply. Her eyes change back to blue while her skin remains it's lilac color, "You know what I am. Tell me." She looked at Coran with so much hate. Her eyes brimmed with tears, "Why did Alfor take me from Daibazaal?"

Coran looks down, "When you were just a baby, Honerva fell ill. Blinded by his love for her, Zarkon deceived the Paladins into opening the rift on Daibazaal. It destabilized Daibazaal even more. Alfor did what he thought was best. He evacuated the planet and went into the palace and came across a baby. You were small for a Galra offspring. Abandoned, suffering, left to die."


"Yes." Coran nods.

"Why?" She spoke in a whisper. Just for Coran to see her like this broke his heart. She continues, "Why would he take me?"

"You were an innocent child."

"No!" Cira snaps her head viciously towards him, "He took me for a purpose. What was it?" Coran stays quiet, pondering whether to speak.

"Tell me!" Cira yells desperately. Tears streaming down her purple face.

Regret fills Coran's expression. He knew what Alfor did was wrong and he knew that keeping the secret for so long was wrong, but he couldn't bring himself to tell her. To break her heart in to little pieces, to shatter her being completely, would be the worst thing he could ever do. "Alfor thought he could unite the empires one day and bring about an alliance and bring about a permanent peace... through you."

"Wha—?" Cira's face scrunches up, tears falling to the bottom of her cheeks.

"But those plans no longer matter." Coran adds.

"So, I'm nothing more than a stolen relic, locked up in the castle until he finds use of me?" Her voice shakes and her chin trembles. The amount of betrayal and heartbreak she felt was unbearable.

"I-I didn't say—"

"You could've told me what I was from the beginning! Why didn't you?!" Cira demands, a fire sparking in her eyes.

Coran lets out a sigh, "After Alfor put you and Allura in the cryo-pods, he made me promise to not say anything. He wanted the secret to die with him. He wanted to protect you from the truth."

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