Chapter 036.

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One varga later, they came across a very orange looking planet. It had a ring of rock around it. All the Paladins stood in front of her seat and behind Coran, making it a bit hard for her to see the planet. She looked down at her screen and started typing while Coran explains, "The signal came from Olkarion, home to the Olkari, a proud class of engineers, builders of vast cities that could change shape at the whim of their creators."

Allura speaks from where she stands on the teludav, behind Cira, "They had a seemingly magical ability to manipulate solid metal. With just a wave of their hands, they could build a computer inside a block of steel."

Pidge gasps, "Whoa."

Coran leans towards them, grinning, "An Olkari once gave me this." He announces, lifting a strange cube up to them. He lets go of the cube and it hovers in the air.

"What is it?" Lance inquires.

"Uh, hello? It's a floating cube!" He snorts, "Oh, this guy." He chuckles, "And watch!" He leans back and crosses his arms, "My name is Coran and I'm a gorgeous man."

The cube beeps and then repeats, "My name is Coran and I'm a gorgeous man."

Pidge looked as if she would explode from excitement. Her eyes sparkled as she marveled at the floating cube. "Why would a society full of literal tech wizards use spores to send a distress signal?" Keith asks, arms crossed.

"Who cares?" Pidge snorts, "When do we get to see that city?"

"Actually, Pidge," Cira's voice sounds from behind the Paladins. She narrows her eyes at her screen, typing, "the distress signal isn't coming from the city. It's coming from..." Cira pauses and the forest appears on her screen. Cira takes her finger and slides it up and it appears on the big screen, "the forest."

Pidge frowns in disappointment. Shiro turns around to the group, "Team, get to your lions and let's go check it out." The Paladins obey and Cira leans back in her seat, a sigh escaping her lips.

Of course, Cira went to go sleep while Voltron liberated Olkarion. She awoke only to Allura's voice sounding through the radio, "Cira, Coran, we're landing at Olkarion." Which was Allura hinting at "be ready to greet the civilians." Cira groans and sits up in her bed. She was starving, having not ate all day, but that was her fault because she was exhausted from last night.

Cira stands and changes from her nightgown and into her princess dress. In her opinion, she hated the dress. It was so girly and not her. But, she still had to wear it. Cira fixes her hair and then leaves the room. She met Allura and Coran at the exit of the castle. The Olkari came into view, smiles everywhere. The three join the Olkari within the city. They greeted the Olkari that went up to them, eventually weaving their way to the Paladins. "So, we moving on?" Hunk asks when they approach.

"Yes." Allura nods, "We'll need a few hours to restock on supplies and then head back out into the galaxy. The battle against Zarkon is far from over."

"Take this chance to get what you need and rest up, team." Shiro instructs, moving closer towards them.

"I'll get the supplies." Coran offers, "Hunk, care to join me?"

"Sure thing, Coran." Hunk turns to follow him into the Olkari city.

After talking with a few Olkari, Cira moves back into the castle and finds herself in the Dining Hall. She sits at the table, food goo finally before her and she digs in, her hunger too much to bear. Her head rests in her hand while she eats. Of course she was thinking about Zarkon. Who else would she be thinking about? Keith? Maybe just a smidge. She didn't know what was going on with him, but whatever it was he didn't want to tell her.

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now