Chapter 023.

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The loud yell from Pidge could be heard everywhere. Cira began to laugh. Of course, this time the yell that echoed through the castle didn't wake anyone, because everyone was already up. Thank God. A handful of people would have been angry if they got awakened by another scream because of another prank.

"What did you do to Pidge?" Hunk asks Cira.

She sat in the Dining Room Hall with Hunk and Keith. Hunk sat across from her while Keith sat at the end of their table. They were both looking at her with raised eyebrows. "What-What makes you think I did anything?" Cira asks through her laughter.

"Three reasons." Keith holds up three fingers, "Pidge just yelled at you, you're laughing, and you've been pranking everyone." Keith takes another bite of the food goo.

Pidge came in at precisely that moment. Her face was red with anger, "Take them off!" She points angrily at Cira.

"What? I didn't do anything!" Cira lifts her hands in surrender. But then, she isn't able to hold it in and her face twists into a smile. She begins to snicker.

"I can't get my glasses off!" Pidge throws her hands in the air, "What did you do to them?!"

Cira sighs with a smile, "I glued them to your face."

"Get. Them. Off!" Pidge speaks through gritted teeth.

"Fine, fine." Cira stands and leaves the room, Pidge following behind her, "Just let me find the solvent."

"Why do we need solvent?!" Pidge runs in front of Cira and stops, her eyes widened.

Cira begins to stutter, "Well, because it-it's kinda permanent."

"Permanent?!" Pidge exclaims.

"Kinda permanent." Cira corrects and moves past the furious Pidge. The Altean never knew so much noise could come from such a tiny person.

"What does that even mean?!" Pidge exclaims, her feet rushing to catch up after her, "There is no "kinda permanent", it's either permanent, or it's not!"

"Well, then, I guess it's permanent." Cira shrugs and turns into the Kitchen, opening a few cabinets in search for the solvent. Pidge watches her, her face still red with anger. She crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently while Cira continued to look through the cabinets. Cira opens another cabinet and then smiles in relief when she finds the solvent. She turns and hands it to Pidge, "Sorry, Pidge, but I couldn't resist."

Pidge takes the solvent, "Just-Just don't mess with my glasses again, okay?"

"Okay." Cira nods and Pidge leaves, still heaving with anger.

Afterwards, Cira stood in the Training Room to let off some steam. Unwanted thoughts swarmed her mind and pent up anger consumed her. She pulls out her spear, twirling it from side-to-side. Similar to the Gladiator and how it fought, she charged at it. She was quick, strong, due to her Altean blood, and had fast reflexes. Her body twisted and kicks the Gladiator in it's side, making it slump on it's knees. She reaches out in a quick move, grabbing the head of the Gladiator and twists it clean off. Her chest heaves while she watches with an angry expression as the Gladiator hits the ground with a thud, sparks coming from it's neck.

"Oh, my God!" A scream makes her jump and drop the metal head.

Looking up at the control room in confusion, she sees Lance, "Lance?"

Lance pressed the radio button so hard he thought it might break, "What the hell was that?!" He demands.


He was spluttering, "You just—the head—pop! Clean off! You just ripped it off!" His voice held panic.

"Yeah, so what?"

"So what?!" He exclaims in disbelief, his voice high-pitched in utter shock.

Cira rolls her eyes, a sigh escaping her pink, plump lips, "Hi, Lance."

Opening and closing his mouth, dumbfounded, he gave a little wave. A smile actually forms on Cira's face and she waves back. Ending the simulator, she joins him on the balcony above the Training Room. "How are you?" He asks, concern lacing his voice. He crosses his arms, his usual smile on his face.

How was she?

Great question.

She felt okay. She felt like she was around people that were supporting her, obviously some not knowing the pain she felt, but understanding and being there. Although, her pain did not cease. She just needed time to recollect her thoughts and figure out what is going one with Keith.

"I'm okay." Her words were true. She was okay. At least she thinks she is. Sometimes she didn't know.

Lance nods, "Coolio."

"Yes...Coolio." She repeats, not sure what it means, but grinning either way.

Lance moves past her to leave the balcony and she follows him. He stuffs his hands in his pockets, looking to his right to see her, "I saw what you did to Pidge. Not a smart move."

Cira turns to him, her confusion unsettling, "And why's that? They're just glasses."

Lance shrugs, his shoulders slumping as if he was too lazy to hold them up, "Don't ask me. I don't know. I just know while we were at the Garrison, I stole them just for fun, you know. I guess she knew it was me because she came to me, demanding to know where they were. She was scary. And when I say scary, I mean scary."

"Don't worry, I believe you." Cira glances at him, her ponytail moving from side-to-side as she walked, her posture the opposite of Lance's, "I experienced scary Pidge this morning."

"I don't even think she needs them." Lance scratches his head, trying to figure Pidge out.

"Then, why would she wear them?" Cira asks, eyebrows raised in question, an actual smile on her face.

His hand returns to his pocket and his shoulder shrug in response, "Guess we'll never know."

"Guess so."

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