Chapter 024.

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That same day, the team gathered on the Bridge. Pidge, who was still upset at Cira, sat at her chair and was typing, going through Sendak's memories to try and find anything on the Galra.


"Somewhere inside Sendak's memories, we should be able to find the inside information that gives us the key to take down Zarkon." Allura narrows her eyes at Pidge's computer screen. They crowded around the small girl watching as she delved through the small traces of Sendak's memories they were able to get before Shiro shot him out to space.

Coran glances at her and Cira, "I'm not sure your father would approve of searching through an enemy's memories."

Cira leans on Pidge's chair, "I don't think he cares, Coran, he's dead."

Everyone turns to her. Even Pidge stops typing to look at her with a bit of shock. "Cira!" Allura yells with surprise.

Cira sighs and then looks at them as if she said nothing wrong, "What?"

Allura grits her teeth a bit and then looks at everyone, "Give us a moment." She grabs Cira by her dark purple vest and drags her in the hall, her fist hitting the panel that slid the door closed behind them. Allura turns to Cira, her face red of anger and embarrassment. "What the hell was that?!" She yells in anger. She couldn't believe Cira would say something like that.

"What the hell was what?!" Cira yells back.

Allura throws her arms in the air, "Do you not care that father died?! Is that it? Why must you always make comments like this?"

Cira steps back, her eyes wide with hurt. Her voice drops into a whisper, "Is that what you think? You think I don't care? You think I don't miss him?" Her eyes harden, "You would think that. You were always the perfect child. You were his favorite."

"What are you talking about?"

Cira glares at her, "You're a sacred Altean. You look more like mother and father." Cira shakes her head, "I don't look anything like them. After you were born, I-I never got any attention." Cira's eyes begin to sadden and Allura looked as if her heart had been stepped on, "He loved you more. All I was good for was a sword, but even then, I still never got to go on the battlefield."

"He asked about you." Allura's voice sounded raspy as if she was holding in her tears, "He asked why you never came to talk or to speak with him. If you felt this way, why didn't you tell him?"

"I don't know." Cira shrugs, her voice sounding defeated, "Maybe because I'm too scared to know the truth. I'm too much of a coward."

"Cira," Allura steps towards her, "you're the bravest person I know, but sometimes, you can be bit of an idiot." Allura smiles and Cira chuckles a bit. Allura's smile falls, "If you do care, why are you always acting like you don't?"

Cira's smile falls, "I guess, I don't want to be a pity case. I'm over it. I don't need to be treated like I'm going to break down and cry because I'm not."

Allura nods, "Okay. Can we go back inside now? They're all waiting on us."

"Hey, you were the one who pulled me out here." Cira rolls her eyes and hit the panel to the door and walks back into the Bridge. Allura grumbles from behind her and follows. Everyone looks at them when they walk in. Cira steps over to Pidge and leans on her chair, "Anything good yet, Pidge?"

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