Chapter 046.

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Keith was removed from the main hallway and Kolivan brought Cira and Shiro into a different room. The room held two screens before them. One showed Keith from a distance and the other was zoomed in on him, tracking each movement he would take. Keith did not wear his Paladin uniform. He wore the attire the Marmorans wore, minus the mask. He tightened his grip on his blade when he scanned the empty room. His grip only tightened more when a platform rises up and reveals a masked Marmoran.

Cira takes a deep breath, her worried eyes trained on the screen. She bites her lip anxiously, hoping Keith would survive.

"Surrender the blade." The Marmoran pulls out his blade that was like Keith's, but longer. Comparing Keith's blade to the Marmoran's, Keith's would be mistaken for a dagger. "You cannot win." The Marmoran finishes and swings his sword around and ends in a stance that was ready for anything.

Keith growls and lifts his blade and charges at the Marmoran. Keith swings his blade against the sword in quick moves, each one the Marmoran blocks. When Keith swings again, the Marmoran catches Keith's blade with his hand. Keith uses his free hand, his left, to attack. He throws a punch at the Marmoran, but the Marmoran blocks his punch and shoves Keith back, adding an elbow to the face. Keith's head flies back, spit falling out of his open mouth. He stumbles and falls onto his back, rolling away from the charging Marmoran.

Cira winces, "Come on, Keith." She could feel Shiro tense from beside her. This was hard to watch.

Keith rolls onto his feet with a grunt and blocks the onslaught of attacks coming from the Marmoran. They were too fast for him to handle and he wasn't used to being on the defensive. Keith takes a couple hits and then dodges a swing of the sword to his chest, leaving him very open. The Marmoran takes this chance to wound him and cut him on his right shoulder. Keith lets out a scream and holds his shoulder in pain. It seemed his armor protected him from most of the impact, making his wound minor. He groans in exhaustion. It takes everything left in him to lift his blade with his right arm.

After another brutal attack, Keith is thrown back from the Marmoran. He lands on his head and flips and rolls into standing position. The Marmoran runs after him and Keith swings his blade out to the Marmoran with a battle cry. The Marmoran grabs his wrist and twists it behind his back. His wrist lets out a few cracks. Keith lets out a cry of pain which finally turn into muffled groans. The Marmoran holds him there, "Surrender the blade and the pain will cease."

Keith pants, eyeing the sword that is brought closer to his neck, "I won't quit."

"Then, the pain continues." The Marmoran brings his sword back and releases Keith, who sinks to the floor slowly. He catches himself with his hands and stands to turn around to the Marmoran. "You are not meant to go through that door." The Marmoran steps aside to show Keith the door behind him.

Keith starts walking towards the door, his face scrunched up as he eyes the Marmoran. What did that even mean? His feet act before he can think about it any longer. He launches himself towards it, his desperation of knowledge too great.

The next room was similar. As before, two hatches opened and a platform rose from below, lifting now two Marmorans. Keith grits his teeth together and lifts his blade. The Marmoran on the left moved first, swinging his sword about and charging at Keith. The Marmoran on the right follows and flips over Keith to stand on the other side of him. Keith stops and eyes them both to see which would attack first. The one that previously flipped over at him charged at him, swinging for his head. Keith ducks and dodges or blocks each swing from the Marmoran. A loud yell comes from him when his right arm is kicked and hits him in the face making him stumble.

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now