Chapter 049.

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"We've made great progress while you were gone. And now that we have the scaultrite, we should be finished in less than a quintant." The Altean advisor explains and showed Allura and the Paladins the teludav.

"Wow. That is one giant teludav." Lance comments. He wasn't kidding. It was huge.

"Nice work." Keith complimented.

"Good job. Fist bump." Hunk said as he fist bumped a confused Coran, "Now, blow it up." He added causing the Altean man's eyes to widen.

"Oh, don't you dare! It took forever to build this teludav." Coran retaliated, not getting what Hunk really meant. Cira couldn't blame him. She did not quite understand, either. "And let's not forget it's a pivotal piece in our plan to take down Zarkon." He added, than a screen popped and Coran yelped at the sight.

"I've made some improvements to your design." Slav said as he was hitting the teludav with a rock, "This will increase our chances of survival in this reality 205 percent." He added and went to hitting the machine.

"Is this guy a little—" Cira asked as the others groaned in reply.

"Yes." Shiro.

"No doubt." Pidge.

"Not a fan." Lance.

"Stop hitting the teludav!" Coran yelled, just as a small explosion came from the spot Slav was hitting, getting caught in the blast himself.

Cira met Allura on the balcony overlooking Olkarion City, which stood in front of the sunset. "Allura," She said as she walked up behind her, "there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about."

"I do not wish to speak with you." Allura said and didn't even turn around to face her.

Nevertheless, Cira continued, "Allura, this plan of ours, it's..." She looked down, "...Well, it's dangerous, you know? We're taking certain risks. You are taking certain risks." She lifted her head to see Allura's tilted in interest, "This teludav, the amount of exertion it will take... I ju—" She stopped herself and saw Allura was now completely turned around, "—You may not survive."

Allura's gaze hardened. She looked a bit offended that Cira would doubt her and her abilities, but Cira was not surprised seeing how much Allura hated her at the moment. "Cira, I know the risks." Her eyes widened at her words and then she watched as Allura turned back around to look at the sunset.

She spoke again, "Father would be proud of the leader you have become."

Cira couldn't say she expected a "he would be proud of you, too." She didn't.

And she never got one.

Cira pressed on. She came forward to stand beside Allura as she watched the sunset. "Do you hate me?" She asked, never looking at her.

Allura tilted her head. The word "hate" was so strong. Allura never thought she could "hate" anyone. Yet, she "hates" Zarkon and the Galra.

There was a pause, stretching on for far too long. Cira waited patiently, but nothing could rid the awkward air between them. Allura looked down, "I..." She froze, "...I want to. So bad. There's a part of me telling that you're different, that you're not my sister. But then," She shrugs and looks at her, "I look at you and...there you are. Do I hate you? No."

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