Chapter 025.

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Cira boarded the Green Lion wearing her dark purple space suit. Her hair was pulled in a bun and her bangs were swept to the side, as usual. The Paladins were already on board. They wore their Paladin uniforms and Pidge sat in the pilot chair. Cira walks into the cockpit and stands next to Lance. She takes a breath and glances at Keith, who never even looked to her. She stared at him for a moment longer and then looked out the cockpit window as the Green Lion shoots out of the bay. The Green Lion nears the nearest planet and cloaks. Coming around on the dark side by Shiro's orders, it flies towards the space station and lands on the rocky terrain attached to it. The Green Lion decloaks and then the six began to sneak inside.

Shiro went in first, quickly followed by Keith, then Lance, then Cira, Hunk, and Pidge. Shiro took out the men guarding the central control building and then snuck aboard the Bridge, behind the yawning Galra soldier. "Psst! Hey!"

The Galra soldier turns around, "Hmm?"

Shiro punches him and he flies back unconscious. The two Galra sentries in the room turn around, looking from the Galra soldier and to the intruders before getting destroyed.

Lance had just finished dragging the two Galra sentries and the Galra soldier to the side when he walked over to where everyone huddled around Pidge. She synced Shiro's arm to her her laptop. It was strange. It was his weapon, but also like his own personal cheat code into Galra tech. Shiro glances at Keith, who looked out the window to keep watch, "How's it look out there?" He mumbles.

"All clear."

Hunk connects Pidge's laptop to their control console, "This shouldn't take too long."

Pidge turns around to her laptop and begins to type, "We'll have all the information we need in a few minutes. Hunk and I have made some improvements since the last time I tried to download Galra info. We should get a nice, clean translation immediately. Hunk had a great idea about how to do it."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Hunk sits on the destroyed sentry that lays to the side, "Do you guys remember when we studied algorithms at the Garrison and Mr. York told us that joke about the ghost learning symbolic logic and innumerably infinite sets?"

Lance glances at him, "Boring!"

Hunk pauses and then turns around to look at him, "Right, yeah, totally, it was boring." He turns back to the others, mostly Cira and Shiro, who had never heard the joke, "Anyway, the joke goes—"

Lance groans. Keith interrupts Hunk when he sees a shadow casting over them, "—Hey, guys, sorry to interrupt, but I think we got company." He motions to a landing Galra ship above them. Ducking a little to avoid being seen, he huddles to the console. Everyone follows. Keith, Hunk, and Lance move towards the group. Hunk stood on one side of Pidge while Keith and Lance stood on either side of Cira. Cira glances at him while he speaks, but still, he did not look to her, "Think we should get out of here?" He asks.

"We just need a few more seconds." Pidge shakes her head.

Shiro peeks up and out the window to the Galra ship that just docked at the station, "Stay low. We need this intel."

After a few ticks, a sound beeps from he upper console. A screen appeared before them. Sucking in a heavy breath, Keith shoots towards his right, grabbing Cira's arm, "Get down!" He snaps at them and in a rush, he tugs Cira out of sight from the screen. The others follow his lead, scooting out of the way just in time before a Galra soldier appeared on the screen. Pidge and Shiro hid in the front, under the control console. Shiro had his legs criss-crossed like a six year old while Pidge was tiny enough to squeeze under the console. Hunk and Lance were on the left. Hunk sat next to a destroyed Galra sentry while Lance holds his breath, his back stiffening even more with every tick. Keith and Cira were on the right, so close that she could feel his breath on her neck. It set tingles throughout her body. A chill ran up her spine when she locked eyes with his blue-gray ones.

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now