Chapter 030.

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After finding all of the Paladins, Shiro was placed in a healing pod so that his glowing alien wound from Haggar would heal. The day was over. Everyone was exhausted. Cira couldn't find almost anyone in the castle, so she assumed that they were asleep in their rooms.

She had been quiet ever since she was rescued, keeping her thoughts only to herself. Of course, the only thoughts she had were the ones debating whether Zarkon was telling the truth or not. She had to know. She felt more insecure than ever, if she was Galra. If she was a monster.

Of course, she couldn't tell anyone.

What would they think of her?

How would they look at her?


How would Allura look at her?

Disgusted. That word echoed throughout her mind. Allura would be disgusted. She could never tell her.

Cira had to know the truth. Was she Zarkon's daughter? Was she a monster?

And why didn't Alfor tell her?

Cira stuck her spear through a level 10 Gladiator, thinking on these things. The Gladiator hits the floor, sparking. Cira sighs and pulls her spear out, sadness filling her. What could she do? She leans against the wall and slides down in sitting position, laying her spear next to her.

A body sits next to her. Cira, already knowing who it is, turns her head from the person, not wanting them to see her teary eyes. She stares at the ground, the tears blurring her vision.

"I'm sorry. I never should have said what I said. You don't know how much I regret it. I don't want you to be mad at me. The truth is, I do care. And when you didn't come back with Shiro, I almost lost it—"

"—Don't lie to me." Cira interrupts him, her eyes still trained on the ground.


"I know what you said." Cira turns her head to Keith, "I know you tried to convince everyone to leave me. Stop lying to me. You never cared." A tear falls down her cheek, "I opened up to you. I let you in."

"I know, Cira. I know and I'm sorry. I was just thinking what was best for the team." Keith tries to convince her. Cira turns her head away from him and looks back at the ground. Keith scoffs, "So, that's it? You're done talking to me?"

Cira whips her head towards him, "I'll talk to you when you tell me why you care if anyone knows that we slept together." She stands, "Until then, leave me alone."

The next morning, Cira woke and after getting ready, she entered into the Infirmary where she found everyone. Allura stood by Coran, who checked Shiro's vitals while he rested in his healing pod. Lance sat on the steps and Hunk stood next to Shiro's healing pod while Keith stood across from him. He couldn't get over last night. It was safe to say neither could she, but she was upset. Lots of things sat on her mind, but no one seemed to notice as all of their worry was placed on Shiro and not about what happened in the short time that she was held as Zarkon's prisoner. No one asked. No one even noticed. Not even Allura, which showed Cira even more that she could not say anything about what Zarkon told her. At least, not until she knew if it was true. As she walked in, Hunk had just started telling the story of what happened after he and Lance got sucked from the wormhole, "Yeah. It was, like, so scary and we met some mermaids that wanted to kill us. It was horrible." Everyone looks at the entrance when Cira enters. "Cira!" Hunk's arms spread out wide and he charges at her with the brightest smile. She didn't even have time to react before she was engulfed in a giant hug. She grunted in pain, the air being sucked out of her from his tight squeeze. Her eyes were wide. Was he... hugging her? Her mouth spoke before she could even process the words, "Ow! Ow. Ow."

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