Chapter 051.

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"Am I your next pranking victim?"

Cira turned around when she heard Shiro's voice. She was in the training room and had just finished taking down the Gladiator. When she saw him, her face immediately twisted into a frown and then she went over to drink some water. Shiro came in and continued, "You should save your energy for tomorrow. You will need it."

Again, no response. But, this time, he earned a glare. He thought that was something.

"The reason I came to talk to you was to apologize, myself, for the way I acted in the Lounge." He said politely.

"Because Allura, Coran, and I aren't members of the team." She concluded as she lowered her water.

"That wasn't my intention. You three are as important as anyone else. I'm not taking sides for anyone. I called the meeting for the Paladins because some things can only be shared and understood between a pilot and his Lion. The others, I thought, would be able to relate, but no one really wanted to share. You didn't miss out, Cira."

"Alfor told me something very similar once. How Paladins were the only ones who could truly understand one another." Cira walked past him and left the training room. Shiro followed her. "I wanted to be a Paladin like Alfor, but I wasn't selected by one of the Lions. And now...knowing what I know about him and what he kept from me..." She shook her head, "...I just don't know, anymore."

"I can't imagine the pain you must feel." Shiro placed his left arm on her shoulder.

"It was worse when I didn't know." She said, "And now that I do know...sometimes I can sleep at night. And other times..." She tilts her head, "...I'll be planning a prank."

He laughs lightly, "I'm going to head off to bed. Sleep well, Princess." Shiro called over his shoulder as he walked away. He turned back to add, "And if I get pranked, I get pranked." He said with a shrug and left.

Although, Cira followed him loosely and when he came to his room and entered, water flew down on his head and soaked him head-to-toe. She laughed uncontrollably and he simply turned around to face her and give her a look, "Nice one." He closed his door and Cira continued laughing all the way back to her room.

"Paladins, meet on the Bridge." Allura said over the intercom.

"All right, guys. Listen up." Shiro ordered, hands on his hips. An image of the teludav appears, "I'll use the Black Lion to lure Zarkon's fleet to our current location and make sure he's in the teludav's area of effect. Keeping the teludav hidden behind the space-fold until the last possible second is essential." He emphasized and then tilts his head, "We can count on you, right, Slav?" He addressed thr space engineer.

"Absolutely. I'll be fine." Said Slav from next to Pidge and Hunk. He avoided Shiro's gaze and then muttered, "I'm not sure about the gravity generator, though."

"What? What was that last thing?" Hunk looked at Slav expectantly.

Slav put his hand on his chin, "Hiding a ship is one thing, but I've never had to build a gravity generator for something this large before. I know it'll work," He shrugs, "but I'm not really sire for how long."

Shiro looks down, "Well, that's a risk we'll have to take." Shiro turns back to the hologram display, "Once Zarkon's ship is in position, Kolivan and Antok will coordinate with Thace. Together, they'll take down Zarkon's security system and upload the virus." The hologram ship turned red and Pidge got a smug look on her face.

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now