Chapter 014.

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"Okay, so, when we get there, what do you think?" Hunk paces back-and-forth. Keith, Shiro, Cira, and Lance watched him closely. Lance and Pidge sat on the stairs, the latter listening, but focused on something else. Keith leaned on the wall with his arms crossed and a pout on his face. Shiro and Cira stood next to each other, watching as Hunk rambled on, "Do we just roll up and, like, start blasting? Or do we land and have some kind of public address system, like," Hunk stops pacing and puts his hands on his hips, ""Attention, Galras, this is Voltron. Turn yourselves in"?" He pauses and looks at each of them, then lowers his arms with defeat, "No. Blasting, right?"

"Hunk," Keith leans off the wall, "calm down." He leans back against it and lifts his left hand as a pretend gun, "And, yes, blasting."

Shiro looks at Keith with a chuckle, "It's our first big rescue mission. He's excited."

Pidge lowers what she's working on and leans her head back on the stairs behind her, looking at Hunk upside down, "Excited to see his new girlfriend." She cooes teasingly, payback for the multiple times Hunk would tease her.

Hunk gasps, "She's not my girlfriend!"

Cira crosses her arms and gives him a look, "Hunk, ever since you returned from the Balmera, you haven't stopped talking about her."

Hunk sighs, "She's not my girlfriend. She's just a rock that I met and I admire very much."

An alarm blares, making Hunk gasp. Everyone looks at Coran. "What is it?" Shiro asks, "Are we being attacked?"

"No," Coran glances down at his screen, "it seems to be a distress beacon."

"It's coming from a nearby moon." Allura confirms, "Apparently, a ship has lost power."

Pidge puts her hand on her chin, "I wonder who it is."

"Whoever it is will have to wait." Hunk remarks impatiently with his hands on his hips, "Shay has first priority. We can check back on them when we're done."

Cira clears her throat, "The Paladin Code states that we must help all those in need." She tells Hunk, making him cross his arms with a pout.

Lance stands from beside him, "Wow! This is so cool. It's like we're space cops on space patrol."

Allura wasn't sure what they were talking about and neither was Cira, but the latter didn't even want to ask. "I suppose." Allura shrugs, "What is a cop?"

"An enforcer of the law." Hunk grumbles, not too pleased that Shay would be put on hold, "They got cool vehicles, a code they follow, awesome uniforms. Oh my God," he turns to Lance in realization, "we are space cops."

"Coran," Lance turns to him, "do we have a siren we can turn on?"

Cira gives him a weird look, noticing he was obviously ignorant of the severe situation at hand. He even managed to catch Coran off-guard, "Uh, no," Coran glances back at him, "but we could record you making a siren noise and broadcast that to them."

"Perfect!" Lance begins to imitate a siren noise, but Shiro stops him by putting his hand over his mouth, "No, not doing that."

Allura lands the castle on the moon, announcing, "Attention, damaged craft, this is Princess Allura. We are coming to assist you."

Voltron: Legendary Defender // Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now