Chapter 019.

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It was late in the night.

Three days ago, Voltron had just saved the Balmera from the Galra. But now, it was in the middle of the night and they had long left the planet Balmera. Most of everyone was asleep.

Most of.

It was only several days ago when Cira pranked Keith by putting food goo in his shower. Coran had already pranked Keith and on their journey to the Balmera, he pranked Pidge.

It was time for Cira to strike.

Cira, in her nightgown, opens her door and looks out into the halls of the castle. She exits her room and closes the door behind her, walking through the halls sneakily. Coming upon the Kitchen, Cira presses herself against the wall and peeks her head in to find it empty. A smirk crawls upon her face and she walks in and then opens the container of food goo, squeezing a substance in it. Hearing footsteps approaching, her eyes widen and her breath catches.

Cira closes it the container quietly and looks around for somewhere to hide.


Her eyes can across the room quickly and then she sees the giant island in the middle of the Kitchen. Her eyes brighten and Cira leans down and presses her back against it. The footsteps approaching entered and then moved over to the island, but not on the side that she was on. She holds her breath while the other presence in the room opens a drawer in the island and pulls out a plate, closing the drawer.

A yawn escapes from their lips and he walks around the island, thankfully, not going around to the side she was on. He grabs the tube of the food goo, squirting some on his plate and then yawns again and leaves the room. Cira takes a sigh of relief and then sneaks back to her room, ready to be awakened by a yell the next morning and going to bed very, very satisfied.

And when morning came, also came the expected yell. Or...was it more of a scream?


A loud yell sounds throughout the entire castle the next morning. Cira jumps awake and looks around in annoyance, but then realization sets in and she leans back with a smirk. She gets out of her bed and dresses in casual clothes for once after finally not having to wear her princess dress, space suit, or armor.

She wore a dark purple crop top with sleeves that went down to her elbows. The end of the sleeves were folded up, revealing the lilac color underneath. And for an under shirt, she wore a white shirt and then matching white pants to go with it. White shoes finished her look. Cira steps over to her mirror and takes her silver hair derived from her mother and pulls it up into her regular high ponytail. Her uneven bangs had just the right amount of volume and were swept to the left side of her forehead. The longest part of her bangs reaching down to the level of her nose. Her Altean marks were purple, unlike Allura's which were light pink and Coran's which were light blue.

Cira stands and leaves her room, walking down the hall of the castle and to Hunk's room, where everyone except Allura and Coran were gathered. Everyone held an annoyed and upset expression. To her surprise, Hunk was more panicked and frightened than upset. She walked up and innocently looked at Keith as if she had no idea what was happening, "What's going on?"

Keith looked done. He was wearing his normal black shirt and pants, but no shoes, belt, or jacket. It was clear he was awakened by the giant scream. His hair was ruffled and a mess and he had a giant red spot on the side of his face from sleeping. Keith turns to her and to his surprise, he sees her fully dressed and in the best mood, "Did you seriously not hear him scream?"

"Oh, I did." Cira nods.

Keith stares at her for only another moment before turning back to glaring at the pacing Hunk. Cira looked over each of the other Paladins. Lance was in his blue robe that covered his blue pajamas and had a white face mask on his face. Blue cat slippers covered his feet and a blue hat sat on the top of his head. He stood there, his eyes barely open, wanting to know from Hunk of what the fuss was all about.

All of them did.

Except Cira, of course.

She already knew.

Cira looks at Pidge to see her wearing her casual clothes. Her glasses were a bit crooked on her nose and her hair was ruffled as if she had just awoke.

Lastly, Cira looked at Shiro. He was wearing his casual clothes and only had ruffled hair. He leaned against Hunk's doorframe, watching Hunk intensely. Hunk paced back-and-forth, his mouth clamped shut.


Hunk jumps and looks at Keith, only raising his eyebrows momentarily as if asking, "What?"

Keith rolls his eyes and then crosses his arms. Lance narrows his eyes at Hunk and places a hand on his hip, "What was with the yell? You interrupted my beauty sleep!"

Hunk turns away from them, "Guys, I think there's something wrong with the food goo. Either that or I don't brush my teeth that well."

"What?" Keith squints his face.

"Hunk, what are you talking about?" Shiro asks, ready to get this over with.

"Okay," Hunk starts, his back still turned to the crew, "every night I usually get hungry and need a little late night snack. So, I grab some food in the middle of the night and then go back to sleep. Well, I think the food goo went bad or something, 'cause..."

"'Cause what?" Pidge asks, annoyance etched on her face.

Hunk turns around, "My teeth are green." He smiles, revealing his neon green teeth.

Everyone's jaw was on the ground, everyone's except Cira's. She tried to hide her smile of amusement. Keith closes his mouth and then glances at her, making her stop smiling. He narrows his eyes at her suspiciously and listens to Hunk's rambles, "I don't know, maybe the food goo went bad or maybe I haven't brushed right." He gasps, "Maybe all my teeth are going to have to be pulled out and I'll have to get dentures!" His eyes begin to water.

Keith rolls his eyes, "Hunk, stop." Everyone looks at him, "It was Cira. She was pranking you."


"She did it to me, too."

"She made your teeth turn green?"

"No, she—" Keith groans, "Nevermind. It doesn't matter. All you need to know, it's all her fault." He gestures towards her.

Everyone looks at her. She was smirking happily. "Really?" Pidge fixes her crooked glasses, "This is why I woke up?" She walks away, either to her room or the Lab. Shiro groans and leaves, as well.

Lance yawns and walks away, "I'm going back to bed."

"It was a prank?" Hunk asks, looking to Cira.

"Mm-hmm." Cira nods.

"D-Does it come off?"

Cira waves her hand and walks away, "It only lasts a day." She turns around and looks at Keith and Hunk, "But you two should be happy. I've already pranked you guys, now you don't have to watch your back."

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