Chapter 013.

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The yell of Keith Kogane fills the Lounge as he stomps inside, his footsteps squelching beneath him as he lived up to the title of the "Red Paladin."

There she was, smirking, and lounging on the sofa in front of him. Her back was to him, her arms stretched wide over the back of the seat. Despite the other occupiers in the room named Hunk and Pidge, leaping up in abject terror at Keith's outburst, Cira hadn't moved an inch.

"Keith, what the hell are you doing, man?!" Hunk cries, making Keith narrow his eyes further.

"Ask her," He growls pointing in Cira's direction. It turned out that Hunk didn't really want to know why Keith had appeared in the manner he had, and decided exit as quickly as possible. Pidge followed swiftly behind him. A brief thought passed through Keith's mind that maybe Hunk was going to get Shiro, or worse Allura, on him, but he didn't muse on it for long. His brain circulated only a few words.

Cira, prank, kill.

"She's the one that did this!" Keith points at Cira.

It had all started because Coran and Cira had a stupid bet that neither of them could out-prank the other. The first one to prank all the Paladins was the winner and would subject the loser to any punishment they saw fit. Coran had already pranked Keith, but took Keith's hot-headedness into account by simply drawing cat whiskers, and putting a giant collar with a bow on Red. Keith didn't mind that. It was a harmless prank that was actually rather funny.

Cira, however, had gone all out. As a result, Keith now stood in the Lounge, eyes blazing, chest heaving, and never coming so close to murder in his entire life. And with Lance as a teammate? That was something.

Finally, with an infuriating chuckle as she turned around to face him, Cira spoke. Standing up, she made her way around the sofa, preening as she went, "Oh, come on. You had to admit that was fuh-fah-fuh—" Cira cuts herself off when she gets a look at Keith. Her eyes trailed down from his head, to his bare chest, to his abs, and then to the towel that covered his legs. She swallows harshly and turns her head, "—what are you wearing?!" At first her tone was boastful, but it soon became jittery once she regarded Keith. A red blush crept up on her face. Her eyes went wide, as she tried to shake the image of his chest from her mind, but biting her lip when she thinks about it.

Keith had never seen Cira so flustered before. If he wasn't so pissed off, he would have felt a sense of pride over unnerving Cira so. "I'm. Wearing. A. Towel." Keith spat, marching towards Cira and walking around to see her face, "Because someone decided to replace the water in my shower with the freaking food goo that everyone loves so much!"

Cira's chin wobbled. God help her if she laughed.

It was too late. It came out. She began to burst into laughter, "Oh, come on, Keith. It was just a prank!" She holds her hands up in surrender, "You have to admit it was pretty impressive."

"I have food in places food should never be." Keith mutters darkly, clutching his towel with tightening fists.

"Why didn't you say so?" She shrugs, "You know Lance's shower is free. I hear he's not using it."

Keith grunts angrily and narrows his eyes at her, "You better watch your back." He moves past her, grumbling angrily about her prank.

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