Life update

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It's Maori language week!! I thought I'
do a pepeha (it's a form of introduction) to celebrate/acknowledge it.

Ko Mauao te Maunga
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Anderson-Gardner te iwi
Ko Peter rātou ko Margaret, ko Stuart, ko May ōku tūpuna
Ko Micheal rāua Michelle ōku mātua
Ko Aisha tōku ingoa
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa

This is as much Maori as I know. Primary school taught me well. Anyway it means

My mountain is Mauao (also known as Mount Maunganui or "the mount")
My river is Waikato
My family is Anderson-Gardner (this is meant to be what Maori tribe you belong to but I'm using the white person version here)
My grandparents are Peter, Margaret, Stuart and May.
My parents are Micheal and Michelle
My name is Aisha
Therefore, greetings, thrice over.

Anyway onto my actual life

I've finished all my mock exams and got the results back. I did really well in english and did pretty well overall, though I want to do better in my actual exams. There was one thing I did badly in and that was chemistry (local kid cannot balance equations or apparently relate her explaination of a chemistry concept back to the actual chemicals) which I got a not achieved in, so basically I failed it. (Equivalent of a D? D+??) But that's down to the fact that I didn't answer the question properly rather than actual ability so that's reassuring.

I stressed about telling my parents for about a week but in the end I was fine lmao and they were okay about it.

I also might become a brownies/girl guides leader?? Basically my little cousin goes and they had a bring a friend day. She wanted to take me so I went and ?? It was kinda fun tbh. One of the leaders was telling me to become a leader because I'm good with kids, and they wouldn't be intimidated by me like they are with a lot of adults because I'm "the perfect height" (In other words I'm really short lol. We love a 4'8 sister)
It would be a volunteer job so I wouldn't get any money but at least it'll look good on a cv and it'll give me a chance to work on my social anxiety.

I've got my proper maths exam next week, it's the MCAT so yikes. I'm also working full time on my art boards for art so not much time to write! But I'm trying.

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