I have regrettis

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Eyesore/TWoS spoilers ///

I've been thinking about this for a while, but uh. I fucked up.

In The Weight of Souls, each character gets a book in their p.o.v, and then the last two are split p.o.vs between characters. So each character has a book and a half to explore their arc in. Jayfeather's arc is supposed to be accepting his blindness, and I've been writing about that. Not very well, in my opinion, but I've been doing it. However a large part of Jayfeather's character in TWoS is that he is supposed to be a parallel of Breezepelt, showing what Breezepelt could have been if he'd had a positive influence in his life. While Breezepelt turns to anger over his father's past disloyalty and then the discovery of his second family, Jayfeather controls his anger and is able to move on. Breezepelt trains in the Dark Forest and ends up fully accepting their ideals, while Jayfeather opposes them. This is largely due to the influences of Cranberrystripe and the others in the prophecy. But me, a dumbass, has barely included any family interaction at all in Eyesore! 

I was stressing about this so I think I'm going to edit some more family interactions into the earlier chapters of Eyesore? Unfortunately about a third of the book takes place away from WindClan.

This is why outlining character arcs is a good idea :/

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