I'm wanting to start a new fic soon, which is an absolutely terrible idea since I'm already slow in publishing with only two fics, but I have so many ideas and I don't know which one to go with.
- Group of elders involved in a prophecy/go on a quest. That's all I've got right now lol
- Apprentice rebellion! Like what happened in ShadowClan except it goes too far Lord of the Flies style
- The book about Maplepaw and Aquiver in the Empire that I've been promising for years
- Harry Potter fic, set in the year above Harry's. Protagonists are background characters because I'm too scared to attempt to write the well known canon characters. More details for this and the other fics are in a previous chapter "I'm drowning in book ideas"
I'm just wondering what y'all would want to see next and what I should start planning first? I've already got some sort of idea of what I'm going to work on first but I want to see what your thoughts are :) I know I didn't try to sell any of these fics lmao but I really couldn't be bothered.