so...exam results happened

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I got my exam results back a few days ago and it went...okay? Love it's an entire month later and this has been sitting in my drafts so here she is.

I was terrified to get my results back. There was one exam in particular I was certain I failed (I only answered one more question than the required amount needed to pass, so if I got two wrong then I'd fail.)
So I was extremely happy to see I'd passed everything.

I ended up getting two achieveds in science and one merit. I'm not very happy with that - I got an achieved in bio, which I'm taking next year and I know I can do better than that. But I studied solely for chemistry (since I failed chem in the mocks and that really rattled me bc I've never failed a test like that before) for my exams which is an AWFUL strategy but I left my studying last minute. Ironically the merit was in chemistry in the end.

I got two achieved in maths and I'm okay with that!! I thought I'd get a not achieved so it was a Big Deal. I'm horrendous at maths and it's pretty likely I have dyscalculia (but I don't think I'll bother getting an official diagnosis) so either dyscalculia or not I can't do maths and I'm so happy I was able to pass both exams.

For english I got two excellences and a merit. I'm pretty happy with this except in my mocks I got all excellences so it's a bit of a downgrade but considering the difficulty of one of the english exams, I'm happy I got a merit in it.

For history I got two excellences which !!! I'm really happy about !! I usually get merits in my history exams but a bitch got an excellence, hell yeahhh.

I got an achieved in art but that was a given because I was a dumbass!! And I ended up rushing it all at the end!! Anyway I'm dropping art and I'm so happy I'll never have to do it again.

The last exams I did was my health exams and I ended up getting an excellence and a merit. I'm kind of disappointed with that because so far in health I've gotten all excellences this year.

Overall I got 5 achieved (yikes) 3 merits and 5 excellences. I'm happy I passed and did relatively well, though I know I can do better. I procrastinated my studying and that shows in my results. It doesn't help that all my friends are genuises and got mostly excellences but you know. At least I can suffer with my other friend who did the same thing as I did and recieved similar results.

But for more happier things, I got about 152 credits overall this year. I only needed 80. At the start of the year my form teacher was saying how most of us would get over 100 and I was like "haha NOPE" and when I was scared I wouldn't make 80. I also got an excellence endorsement!! I've never gotten one before and that looks good for universities (though they mainly look at next year's results) and as well as that i got subject endorsements!! They're supposedly better than overall endorsements. I got a merit endorsement in science and an excellence endorsement in english, history and health. So it's been a good year, even if I can't see it as that good because or my impossible standards.

Anyway, I'm in year 12 now and that's the most important and biggest year. Let's hope I do better this year!!

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