Chapter 1- A Normal Day in New York

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Karly's P.O.V 

 I came home from taking a walk because I was at the diner at the end of the street. I was walking back to my house here in New York, where I have lived all of my life. As I got to my front porch I prepared myself to get hit by my father like always, and maybe my mother if she even remembered me.

    I opened the front door and I was immediately was pulled by my  ponytail and was thrown to the floor, but only after hitting a wall and a coffee table. My dad came walking towards me and I could smell all the alcohol on his bdody, and he started punching me in the face a kicking me in the ribs. Yelling at me "We never wanted you or your screw up brother", " You are worthless", and a whole bunch more. Every time he yells I flinch because it scares me, and after all these beatings for years, I became mute, that is also because I don't have any friends since I dropped out of school. 

   After a while of my dad hitting and kicking me, he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife and started cutting me. After a good long beating a black vision came to my eyes and I passed out. 

*****Time skip 3 hours******


woke up and looked at the clock in the kitchen and it read 8:00, I quickly and quietly ran up the stairs to my room and stared thinking about everything. From my childhood with Dallas, having caring parents and having a brother to play with. Then how Dallas came up with a nickname for me and it is little Miss. Sunshine, and I gave him one of Dally Bear.

Those were the most found memories that I have. Now I have to thinking about getting jumped, abused, not being smart and in school, being afraid, and why Dallas left me here. 

     Dally left me here in New York with our parents 7 years ago and never came back for me. He always told me he loved me and I was his everything, but I can't help but think that I was the cause of him to run away.

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