Chapter 28

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​​​​​​Dally's P. O. V. 
Today it is 3 days that my sister is sick, and I am slightly worried. I did make $200 at the rodeo yesterday, so I can get medicine for Karly. Darry said that she is getting better which is good. I am glad we don't have to take her to the hospital, she is afraid of them and I abore them.

Today it was just me st the Curtis house with Karly was everyone else is at school and work. I am going to try and help my sister talk again and get through problems that she has, so she will get happier again. Currently, Karly is laying on the couch with her head on my lap watching Mickey and having some toast with chocolate milk. "Are you feeling better squirt? " I asked. 

She shook her head and pointed to her head, she must have a head ache still. I reached over and handed her some medicine and ran my hand through her hair to calm her down. I want her to relax and sleep without any problems. When she finished eating breakfast, she turned into her side and faced the back if the couch with her head buried into my side. Poor Karly was whimpering a bit. I was still running my hand through her hair. She fell asleep and relaxed. 
It was noon when Two-Bit came through the front door, without slamming it. "Hey Two. What are you doing here? "

"I ditched the rest of the school day. I came here to see if you needed help or a break." Two asked. 

"Actually, yes I do need your help. I need to pee and eat. So, I need you to trade places with me, you need to pick up her head gently, she is asleep and her head hurts. " He nodded and did as told. 

I went to the bathroom and walked out and saw two kissing the top of my sisters head and running a hand through her hair. I smiled to myself because they are a cute couple I will admit. I walked into the kitchen and started making a sandwich and got a beer and sat at the kitchen table to eat. It took me about 5 minutes to eat then I walked to the trash and threw my plate and bottle away. I grabbed two more beers, one for me and one for Two-Bit. I hand Two-Bit his and he thanked me for it, and I went to the porch to have a smoke. 

I sat there thinking for a while before Johnny and Pony came home from school, I told them Karly is sleeping on the couch and Two-Bit was inside holding her. They nodded and walked in quietly and I was glad they didn't slam the door. They were one of the few of us that don't slam it. I finished my cancer stick and saw that Ponyboy was doing his home work at the table and Johnny was watching Mickey on the floor. 

By the time 5 O'clock came everyone was here and Karly was just now waking up. I walked over to her and crouched down in front of her to talk to her quietly. " Hey, sis. How are you doing? Do you need any help or anything? " 

She nodded and points to the bathroom. Two-Bit and I helped her stand up, and waited a bit to make sure she was balanced and she walked into the bathroom. When she came out she looked a little pale so I felt her head, he still had a little fever. I gave her some water and soup and her medicine when she finished eating. She was a little clingy to me and Two-Bit but it was expected. Two-Bit asked her some questions and answered them by nodding and shaking her head. 

I signed some things to her and she answered back, which I was glad she would still communicate that way. 

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