Chapter 3- Tusla and Dallas

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Karly's P.O.V

 I hopped off of the freight train and walked to a gas station called DX. From there I pulled out my notebook and pen and asked if any of the two teenagers working if they knew Dallas. They both said yes, and they told me to follow them. 
We ended up in front of this house and both boys walked through the gate and up the porch and went inside with out knocking.  The movie-star handsome one said he would bring Dally out for me to stay put. 

Dally's P.O.V

 Lately I have been thinking about Karly; my twin sister and why I didn't bring her with me to Tulsa.  I feel bad because I left her with our no good parents. All of a sudden my thoughts were interrupted by Soda and Steve coming in from work. 
Soda saw me and called me to the front door and said there was somebody here for me. So I nod and thank him then steped out on the porch and see Karly there,she has a notebook in her hand and hands it to me. I notice how much she has changed and grown up after all these years. 

I smile and hug her, she pulls away and looks at the notebook, but doesn't say anything to me, which I found odd because she was never shy, quiet, and this afraid before

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