Chapter 47- Rodeo

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Karly's P. O. V. 

oday is the rodeo and I am excited but scared. I don't know what might happen to my twin and it scares me. But I pushed those thights out of my head when I went and dressed Ireland, changed her super and fed her. I showered and got dressed, brushed my teeth and took Ireland to the living room. 

"Morning babe" Keith said. 

"Morning Honey" I said. 

"Good morning Jellybean" Keith said.
"Ready? " I nodded and we each kissed one of our daughter's cheeks. 

I gave her to Luara and we waves bye and were out the door. We arrived to the rodeo and went to find my brother. After about 10 minutes we found him, talking to him about the events he was in and how everything is going. As my brother and husband talk, I tune them out and pet and talk to my brother's horse, Jackson. He is in his stall in the barn, (where we found my brother) and his other horse that is also mine. Her name is May and she is a gray paint, she also has a foul name Charmer. Charmer is my horse and she us about 3 weeks old. 

I open the stall door and walk in closing the door behind me. I make clicks with my tounge and call  Charmer over. I pet her and give her treats. I love horses and by far these three are my favorite. I got lost in my own world because I didn't notice Dallas and Keith looking at me getting my attention. 

"What? I ask. 

" I said, it is time for me to take Jackson to the warm up ring. I start soon. " Dallas said. 

I nodded and put the reins on Jackson and handed him over to my brother. I kissed May and Charmer on the head and walked out. I grabbed Keith's hand and laced them together, following my brother to the warm up pen. Dallas' first event is in 15 minutes so he has plenty of time to get Jackson warmed up. 

It was about 5 minutes in and Jackson was being very fiesty and getting aggravated. 

"Dallas, come here. Let me look at him, he isn't himself. " I said. 
Dallas rode up on Jackson and then I saw out. 

"Dal he has a sore in his mouth and a bad tooth. The bit must hurt him when he bites on it" He nodded and said " Go get May". I nodded and quickly took Jackson to the stall and switched horses. 

I quickly ran with May and then let her run to my brother. Dallas still had enough time to get used to May and get her warmed up. After wishing them both luck, Keith and I grabbed a beer and went to find a place to sit. 
The first thing Dally was doing was barrel racing. May can do it, but we don't use her for games and activities, we use her in showmanship. And Charmer is too young to do any.

Dally is up and I squeezed Keith's hand because I am nervous. Everything was perfect and they got a great time of 10.68 seconds. That was May's best time ever. 

I run over to them dragging my husband with me over to them. "Way to go. That was great both of you. May, good girl, keep out up. " I said. 

"Since you have a while, let's go help Jackson. " I said. 

After giving Jackson medicine, we have all 3 horses food and water, and cleaned the stall. We also found out Dallas win the barrel race. 

After the rodeo, we went back to my mother-in-law's house and talked about our day. I fed Ireland and put her down for her nap. 

"She didn't give you too much trouble was she? " I asked. 

"No need to worry dear. She was just fine. "

"Thank you again. " I said. 

We ate dinner and went to bed. 

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