Chapter 23- 18th Birthdays

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Karly's P. O. V. 

oday was the day that Dallas and I turned 18. We are both currently getting ready for the day,  Dally was in the shower and I was next to go.  
After about 10 minutes Dallas came back into our room and I went to shower and get ready.  It took me about twenty minutes to get ready,  then I made my way back into the bedroom,  where Dally was sitting in the bed with a box wrapped in gold with a silver bow in his hands.  I smiled because I knew that meant we were going to open our presents. 
I went over to my dresser and pulled out Dally's gift from my top drawer and went and sat on the bed in front if him.  We smiled at each other and exchanged gifts, " Open on 3" I said.  " One,  two,  three" Dally said,  and we opened them at the same time.  Inside was the necklace up tip and these two stuffed animals.

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"I love it bubby,  thank you",  I said

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"I love it bubby,  thank you",  I said.  Dallas opened his and smiled and thanked me,  I smiled back and then it dropped a little and I started to cry.  And I think Dallas noticed too, " Hey,  what's wrong. "

I was still looking down at the bed so Dally lifted my chin with his fingers and made me look at him.  " I was thinking about how nice and meaningful your gifts are and they mean everything to me.  Then I look at what I bought you and I think that they aren't good and meaningful. " I said. 

" Hey,  they may not be meaningful like yours,  but they mean everything to me because they came from you. And that makes me happy.  I can use this new switch and I love these cancer sticks and that makes me happy,  okay. " I nodded at his answer. Dallas hugged me and kissed my forehead and I smiled at him.  

After about 20 minutes of talking and sitting on our bed at Buck's,  we left to go to the Curtis house.  When you walked inside the house the only people there were Pony and Soda. I smiled at them and dat on the couch wrapped in Dally's arms.  At around 1:00 the rest if the gang showed up and watched Mickey and had pizza for lunch.  By the time everyone was finished and back into the living room,  Darry came out with many boxes of presents and handed them to me and Dally.  I took them and gave a confused look,  Darry must have noticed because he said that the gang and gotten them for our birthday. 
I looked over at Dallas and looked as lost and condlfused as I did.  So I know that he didn't tell the gang about our birthday and I know that I didn't,  so I wonder how they found out.  

" How did you know it was our birthday? " I asked.  
" We knew it was your birthday because when we were at the hospital because if the fire accident the nurse said when Dally,  Pony and Johnny's birthdays were and other basic information.  And we knew that you guys haven't really celebrated it,  so we thought that we could take so time and celebrate. " Soda said.  I smiled and nodded.  

We opened our presents and I got a new switch,  new clothes,  new chucks,  and a two sets of rope bracelets.  " Thank you guys,  thank you very much.  I love them all. " I said with a big smile on my face. 
Then Two came over and picked me up and carried me off to the kitchen and he sat me down on the counter and started to kiss me and got into a heated and intense make out session. 

Two kissed me on the collarbone,  the neck,  my throat,  my ear and nibbled at it a bit,  then made his way to my face and kissed my chin and then a really long time on the lips.  He then moved my legs with his hand and stood into between them and kissed and sucked on my neck as I burried my head in his neck and ran my hands through his hair.  Two ran his hands up my shirt and out his hands on my hips,  and kissing and sucking on my necks and collar bone.  

That is when Darry came into the kitchen,  but we didn't know that because we were busy making love.  " No sex on my counter! !" Darry yelled,  causing me and Two to break apart and I fell off the counter and hit face first on the floor and shit up off the floor and ran out the door and didn't look back. 

I could hear the gang yelling my name and yelling for me to come back,  but I wasn't going to.  I ran all the way to the park and claimed at tree that was hidden from the sight of other things.  You would have to look hard and careful for me.  I feel asleep after about 3 hours of sitting there in the tree,  and I woke up the next day to it raining.  

I stayed in the tree for 2 days after the event that had happened a few days ago.  I had how it rained all day for three days,  because I am soaked,  hungry,  and probably sick,  but who cares any ways.  I climbed down from the tree and made my way to the Curtis house taking my slow,  sweet time   not wanting to go inside and see everyone.  

When I made it to the house,  I opened the and closed the gate,  walked to the porch and so just stood there for a minute and then I went in.  I quietly ooened the door, walked in stood I the door way,  and closed the door behind me gently.  I was waiting till see if anyone would notice me,  and the first one to notice me was Dallas and he jumped up so fast off the couch and came to me and slapped me upside the head.  I waited to be yelled at. 

" Where were you huh?  I was worried sick and so was everyone else.  You have been gone for 3 days ( AN: I included the day she ran and hid in the tree. ) and you are soaked and I bet you are hungry.  I thought I lost you,  I know how you think,  because I think the same way too.  That is why I was so worried,  your my twin,  my little sister,  I have to look out and take care of you because if something happened to you I wouldn't forgive myself. " 

At this point I knew I wasn't going to talk after the kitchen incident.  So I just stated at him and went to Pony and Soda's room to get clean,  dry clothes and went to the bathroom to take a warm shower and get ready.  I don't know what time it is,  but I know it is sometime I the afternoon.  
I went into the dinning room and layed out my wet clothes,  Darry might as well wash them later.  I went into the kitchen and grabbed a beer out if the fridge and stared at the fridge when I closed it.  I was just going to stand there nd do nothing until,  two arms wrapped around my waist and and face burried in my neck.  I was still frozen in place,  so this I could bearly register.  

" I'm so,  so sorry Minnie.  I didn't mean for any of that to happen.  I am just glad that you came back and you are safe.",  Two said sadly behind me. 
I shifted my head a little to the right to see him out the corner if my eye and was still frozen and emotionless.  I turned my head and drank my beer,  not caring about anything in the world.  

I heard Two leave and heard Soda come in.  He hugged me from behind and tried to talk to me but,  I wasn't registering whatever he was saying. He left and git Dallas I just knew it was going to be him.  

" Dal,  she is just frozen in place not doing anything.  She is just staring at the fridge with a beer in her hand. "  Soda said.  

The next thing I know Dallas is trying to turn me around,  but that didn't happen,  so he just picked me up and brought me into the living room and sat me on his lap. 

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