Chapter 6- Breakfast and Apologies

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AN:  This is Karly's outfit

Dally's P.O.V

 I woke up early and looked at the clock in my room and it read 9:30, I sighed and carefully got out of the bed not wanting to wake my sister up. I got to my dresser and got out clothes to change into. 
On my way to the bathroom I took a good long look at her. She had many scars on her arms and some on her face. But two scars really stuck out to me on her face, the first starts above the right eye then misses her eye and continues underneath going down to her check. The second one is on her neck it starts on the right side of her jaw and then down to her throat. I am going to have to ask her about those later. 

I walk into the bathroom and start to take a shower, when I was done I brushed and greased my hair, brushed my teeth, and made sure there was towels and stuff in case Karly wanted to take one. 
I go back into my room and it is now 10:00 so I decided to wake her up and go to the Curtis' house. 

"Karly, you need to get up and get ready so we can go to the Curtis house," I said shaking her gently. She rolled over to face me and made a few sounds then she opened her eyes and go up and got ready. 

Karly's P.O.V 

After my brother woke me up I got out of bed and went to pick out my clothes and my make-up and went to take a shower. I went to the bathroom and took my clothes off and got into the hot running shower, after about 10 minutes of showering I was done. I put on my undergarments, my plain red t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and put my hair into a messy bun with a braid. I put on a little mascara, eye liner, and eye shadow then I went back into Dal's room and put on my black leather jacket and my red Chucks and headed downstairs to meet Dal. 

"Ready to go?" My brother asked. I shook my head and grabbed my notebook, pen, and switchblade and it into my pocket. I waved to Buck on my way out with a small smile and left to the Curtis' house with Dallas. He made sure I was close because he wanted to protect me against socs. 
We got to the Curtis house, when we walked I the whole gang was there. They all looked up and greeted "Good Morning" or said " hi" with a wave. Dallas asked me if I wanted breakfast and I shook my head yes and followed him into the kitchen and sat at the dinning room table. Darry was making French toast with bacon and eggs. I also had a glass of chocolate milk.
Darry smiled and gave me a plate of food and asked if I wanted chocolate cake, I look at him and Dally confused. I could tell they both noticed and looked at each other, then I wrote " 1 Chocolate cake for breakfast and 2 I have never had chocolate cake before." They gave me a crazy look and I just shrugged. I signed to Dally that "I only fed myself and that was normally not a lot because we normally didn't have food, so I starved or stole our old man's money to eat at the diner on the corner." 

"Just eat the food you have now and we can have cake later, how about that?" My brother asked. I nodded yes and continued to eat. 

Pony's P.O.V

 I was sitting on the couch in my house not really paying attention to Mickey in t.v. but I was talking to Johnny. I got to thinking about how Dally never talked about his family and his past, but if his sister meant a lot then why didn't he ever bring her up? 
Well it was about 10:30 when Dally and Karly walked into the house and went to go eat breakfast at the dinning room table. I watched as she wrote something down in her notebook after giving Darry and Dally a confused and questioning look. Then she stereo to use sign language to Dally and then she nodded yes to something. 

After they were done she sat on the couch next to Dal and watched Mickey. After they left yesterday Darry gave all of us this big long talk about have to behave and act in front of Karly. And how we need to be nice and be protective over her more than ourselves because she is mute and won't talk and because the socs might jump her because she is a girl. And if that happens she can't scream for help so that is a big problem. 

Darry's P.O.V 

 Karly and Dally came to have breakfast at the table, when they were done they walked into the living room to talk and watch t.v. I was cleaning up the kitchen and the dishes, so I wasn't out there right away, but I hope that th boys are going to apologize ( I mostly mean Steve and Two-Bit). 

Steve's P.O.V 

I was eating chocolate cake for breakfast like I do everyday in the Curtis house when Dally and Karly walked in. They went to get breakfast and sat at the table. When they were done they sat in the couch watching Mickey and talking. 
I thought now would be the time to apologize to them. 

"Sorry for not following your instructions yesterday" I said. "No problem", Dally replied. Then I looked at Karly, she was not paying attention and Dally noticed her snapped his fingers in front of her face saying her name to get her attention. He asked if she was alright and she shook her head yes. "Hey Karly, I am sorry about the comments and stuff Insaid yesterday" I said. She said "it was okay and she forgave me, but not to say anything else about her being mute". 

Two-Bit's P.O.V 

couldn't stop thinking about how cute and pretty Karly is. I also felt bad about what happened yesterday. After Steve apologized I knew that  had to, thanks Darry. 

"I'm sorry about yesterday, I was rude and shouldn't have done that" I said. She nodded that she forgave me. 

A N: when I say that Karly said something I am talking about in paper or in sign language

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