Chapter 32- Christmas

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Karly's P. O. V

Well, today is Christmas and I can't say that I am excited or nervous of what the gang thinks orlf their presents. I don't really fell anything, I am just numb and going in with the day. I was walking to the Curtis' house from Buck's. I just needed to be with Dally and get sleep without having to think about other things.

I decided to wear one of my few sweaters, jeans, fuzzy socks, boots, and one of my leather jackets. I was going through my room I share with Dally to find a bag that I could put all of the presents in and take them with me.

When I got to the Curtis', I saw that the gang was eating and I was the last one to arrive. I just sat on the couch and put the presents on the floor. I want hungry so I figured I'd rather stay out if the dinning room and not be in the way. I know the gang is fine with me around, but I was trying to stay away from Darry and boot cause any problems today. It was only 7 minutes later they finished breakfast and sat in the living room and started to hand out presents. They all seemed so happy and I was just here. I found what I was going to give my brother a few days ago and I was sure that he would love it.

I had gotten Dally a ring that had Twin sister Karly engraved on it, and a new leather jacket that had Brother engraved on the back. I also got him two packs of cigarettes and two lighters, one said Dallas and the other had D.W. engraved on it. I stuck them in the pockets hoping he would find them. I was pulled from my thoughts by having my name yelled at me.

I looked up and say Soda with presents for me in his hands, and I sat then in my lap and handed him my bag so he could distribute them. I looked around the room, Soda, Pony, and Two-Bit were sitting on the floor by the TV, Darry sitting in his chair, Johnny sat on they floor by Dally's legs, and Steve and Dally sat on both sides of me on the couch. After the presents were distributed, we opened up our gifts and said our "thanks" or "No way", "How cool". I sat with a small smile in my face looking at the stuff that gang had given me.

From Pony: Fuzzy socks and a scarf.

Soda: A few tanks tops, work shirts, and 3 baseball caps.

Steve: A bunch of candy, a switch, and a photo album.

Johnny: Lighters, cancer sticks, shirts, and hair ties.

Darry: Art stuff and a sweat shirt.

Two-Bit: A really sweet card with a cute poem, a book, a new jean and leather jacket, and purple Converse.

Dally: A large, soft, neon polk-a-dot blanket, new jeans, neon Converse, and a necklace that had a heart with our names in it.

I loved all of the gifts and I thanked everyone. I got up to get a beer Dally, Two, and I when I felt two arms wrapped around my waist and hug me and sound me around. I spun around to met face to face with Two-Bit. He kissed me and said he had something for me. He hand a medium sized box to me and smiled. I opened it to see a gorgeous dress heels, make up, and jewelry. I looked at him and said, "You didn't have to get me these. You have already given me enough."


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He shook his head and said, "that's from my mom

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He shook his head and said, "that's from my mom. She said that I had to give it to you and you had to take it. She wanted to show you that you are part of the family and she sees you as her daughter and is happy that we love each other and are together. She hopes that I be day we get married, have a family, and she can actually call you her daughter."

I kissed him with love and passion and thanked him. We walked back in with the beers and my box. I told Dally everything that happened in the kitchen and he genually looked happy for me and thanked Two-Bit. Two and Dally said they lived my presents and they both gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Dally, look in the pockets."

He looked confused but did so anyway. His eyes lit up and said, " I love you sis. This means bc a lot to me. " And gave me a kiss on the temple and pulled me into good side.

That night we had a big Christmas dinner and thanked Darry and Pony for making it. When everyone finished, we went to the living room and watch movies, but Darry stopped me and told me to follow him. I nodded and followed him to his bedroom. He sat on his bed and motioned me to sit down next to him, I hesitated, but I did. He looked right at me and said, " I loved the presents that you gave me. I read you letter and I wanted to talk to you. I know that the incident in the kitchen was months ago, but I wanted to say that I am sorry for how I acted towards you and wanted to let you know that nothing is your fault. You may say something is, but don't let it get to you, okay. I think that we could get along and have a nice time together from here on out don't you think? "

I nodded he continued, " If you want you can help me make a chocolate cake with the new pan you got me. I can show you how to make it, the recipe is my mother's." I nodded and followed him into the kitchen and made two cakes with him. Today turned out to be really good day.

The whole gang spent the night here and had a great time with each other.

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