Chapter 36

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Dally's P. O. V

I woke up in my bed at Buck's with my sister sleeping peacefully in my arms. I looked at the clock and it was only 5 a.m. I layed there awake for a while and decided to go back to sleep because I didn't want to leave my sister. The past few nights she was been sleeping more and hasn't had any nightmares. 

When I woke back up it was eight O'ckock and I got up carefully so I didn't wake up Karly, to go shower and get ready. When I showered and got dressed Karly was up and dressed talking to Buck. So I walked over there and joined their conversation. 

(Dally comes down the stairs and is walking over to them when he hears them talking) 

"How are you and Two-Bit doing?", Buck asked. 

" Everything is going well. He is nice to me, he is patient, I trust him with my life and I love him so much. I don't know what I would do without him in my life. Other than Dallas I don't don't love and trust anybody, sure I can trust you Buck but it's different you know. " Karly replied. 

Buck nodded and started cleaning the bar counter. " Morning. Ready to go to the Curtis' sis? ", I ask giving my sister a kiss on the forehead. She nodded and jumped on my back, so I gave her a piggy back ride all the way there. 

I put her down when we reached their gate. I opened it and walked down the sidewalk to the porch and went through the front door. All of the gang was here eating cake and watching Mickey Mouse. The two of us joined them, but Karly seemed to only give Two-Bit a fake smile. She looked stressed about something and I seemed to be the only one who could tell. She had a few bites of cake and had two beers and walked out. I followed her. 

"Karly, what's wrong? You saw Two-Bit and faked a smile. You seem stressed and thinking hard. Let's go to the park and talk. "

She nodded and we walked to the park together. When we got there we climbed a tree and talked. " Okay, so when we walked in I was fine until I saw Keith and I started to think. I know our birthday is coming up and we will both be 19. I started thinking about that, then I started to think about my future with him and I want to have sex with him soon and I want to get married. I just don't know what to think. I love Keith and we have a good relationship, I just don't want to bless it up. "

"I don't want to rush things. We also haven't talked about the future, having sex, getting married, having kids, having our own house. I want those things, but I don't know how to bring it up to him. Dally, have you ever actually loved a girl?"

"No I haven't, but I understand what you are talking about and are wanting. Karly, Two-Bit will love you know matter what. He will stand by your decision and make sure you are happy. " I replied. " And to bring it up to him, just wait for him to bring it up, that way you  know he wants it too."

I used my thumbs to wipe away the tears, hugging her and rubbing her back. We sat in the tree until she calmed down and walked back to the Curtis'. When we got there we sat in the couch and she hugged my side and had a few tears streaming down her face. She put her face into my side and started to calm down when  whispered to her. I rubbed the back of her left hand with my thumb  watching her. She will figure it out soon. 

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