Chapter 22: Talking

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Karly's P. O. V

he next morning I wake up on the Curtis couch with Dally awake,  running his hand through my hair and me laying in between his arms.  I guess he layed down with me on the couch and we fell asleep last night like that.  I looked up and smiled at my brother and the smiled back and kissed my forehead,  "Good morning Little Miss. Sunshine. "

"Good morning bubby, " I whispered to him.  He was still looking at me with soft,  caring,  and loving eyes.  I love him so much.  I think that we are both proud of the amount of words I have actually said.  

Darry came out if the kitchen and saw we both were awake and brought us a beer,  I smiled at him as my thanks,  while Dally thanked him.  I had work today,  so I went to Soda and Pony's room because I have extra clothes here,  so I took them to the bathroom and changed.  Darry had to leave earlier for work today,  so Dally drove Soda,  Steve,  and I to work and stayed for a few hours while I was fixing cars in the garage.  Steve was with me and we were done fixing cars so we were messing around and having fun.

  I came up behind him with grease on my hand and smeared it on his cheek and then he started chasing me and made jokes.  I smiled because I was having fun,  and it was something that didn't happen a lot with me.  

Soda's P. O. V

was waiting for Steve and Karly to out if the garage so we could go get DQ for lunch,  since it is our lunch break.  I went back to the garage and saw Steve and Karly messing around and having fun.  I smiled to myself in the dooreay because this is one if the rare times that you get to see Karly happy and not be scared of something.  They both looked up and said " Hey Sodapop. " And all three of us were wide eyed because Karly actually spoke out loud.
"You actually said that Karly.  Good for you. " She smiled and whispered this time " I have whispered a few things to my brother and boyfriend.  And I have screamed before as you guys already know. "

I nodded my head and thought you do have quite a scream.  When the Socs jumped you and when you have nightmares. "Let's go to DQ for lunch, " I said and the two if them nodded and we walked with a comfortable silence to Dairy Queen. 

********** Time Skip *************

Karly's P. O. V

fter my work shift was over Dallas was here to pick me up and take me to Buck's.  I showered and changed when we got there.  When I was done,  I walked into our room and saw Dally laying on the bed looking at the ceiling,  that's when I said " I was working in the garage with Steve and when we were doing before lunch break we messed around and had fun,  which I enjoyed.  And then Soda came in and in sync Steve and I said " Hey Soda pop" and I said it with this much confidence." I said and smiled and my brother.

"Good job Sunshine,  I'm proud of you." Then we left for the Curtis House. 

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