Chapter 20- Nightmares and Date Night

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*******AN: Just a reminder when I say Karly said something she most writes it down or uses sign language. There are occasions were she will scream or she will whisper something, and that will be her actually talking. ******* 😘🎂🎂🍻🚘

Two-Bit's's P. O. V.
I woke up the next morning on the Curtis' couch with my wonderful girlfriend in my arms. I looked at the clock and it read 8:00, I knew Darry would walk into the kitchen dressed and ready for work any minute.
5 minutes later, here comes Darry walking into the kitchen to make breakfast. I look down at my Minnie and she looks so peaceful, the this is sleep that she hasn't had in a while. I can feel her stirring, but she isn't waking, I knew what was coming. She is having a nightmare starting right now. Of all times right now, I thought.

Karly was sweating, crying and shaking in her sleep. I was about to shake her awake when she started screaming, " Don't touch me, don't hurt me. Dally save me. DALLY!!! DALLY SAVE ME!!!!!! " That us when I started to shake her gently, "Karly wake up, it isn't real. Baby please wake up", I said trying to wake her.
Darry came running into the living room, the same time Dally walked through the front door ( not slamming it), and Pony and Soda came out from their bedroom to see what was happening. Pony and Soda sat on the floor by the TV facing the couch to watching what was happening, while Darry, Dally, and I were trying to wake her up.

Steve and Johnnycakes then walked into the house watching the horror scene in front of them also, they sat down by Pony and Soda watching and whispering to each other. Darry went to the bathroom and came bad with a freezing cold wash clothes and out it in her forehead and Dally was sitting in the arm rest by her head playing with her hair and cooing sweet things in her ear, trying to calm her. She was still crying, sweating and shaking, but was only just screaming. The screaming was just normal screams and they were loud, ear piercing screens too.

After about 5 more minutes Dally sat down in the couch with Karly's head on his lap, while I had her legs on me now. She then began to stir and was calming down, she wasn't screaming and she wasn't crying. She just had tears streaming down her face and was still sweating She shot up quickly into a sitting position and curled up into Dally's side shaking real bad.
Dally must have know she would do that because he moved his face out of the way, so it wasn't smacked by Karly's, and then moved back and turned his head and watched her intently. Then open up is arm and she ducked under it. I feel bad for my Minnie because it something that she shouldn't have to deal with. It hurts my heart looking at her like this and it also scares me too.

Dally's P. O. V.
I walked into the Curtis' house see Darry and Two trying to wake up my sister. What scared me was she was screaming for me to save her in her nightmare. After about 5 minutes, she shot up into a sitting position and then curled up into my side shaking. According to Darry and Two-Bit this was happening for 10 minutes.

I feel bad for her and it hurts my heart to see her like this because it also scares me just as bad. Two-Bit went to go get a beer to settle hits nerves and went to the porch to think and calm down.

After 7 more minutes, everyone was ready to go to school and work. Darry cleaning up breakfast and took Steve and Soda to work. Two-Bit drove Johnny, Ponyboy and himself to school, while I helped my sister get ready for work.

I drove slower than I do with anybody else in the car, knowing that she wouldn't like it very much. A while later we pulled into the DX and she began to work and I came into the garage with her. I know ew she needed the support and I was going to be there, I was also going to protect her from Socs and anybody else that was a threat.

Karly finished 4 cars and was now starting her much break at noon. She came over to me and cried her eyes out into my chest. I was sitting on the ground leaning on a wall while eating DQ, with Karly sitting on my lap crying and eating. I kept whispering sweet things to her and telling her that she was okay, that nothing was going to get her.

Soda, Steve, and Karly's shift ended at 3 and we all went to the Curtis house. Two-Bit was taking my sister on a date tonight. He was taking her to dinner at the Dingo and then going to the country to relax and enjoy having a lovely evening to themselves. They will be watching the sunset and looking at the stars. They might fall asleep out there and I won't care because I know it is safe where they are going and because I trust Two-Bit with my sister.

Karly's P. O. V.
Two-Bit took me out on a date tonight, which I really needed. He took me to the Dingo for dinner and now he was driving us to the country somewhere to watch the sunset and look at the stars. This was a wonderful date.

I snuggled into Two-Bit as the sunset and the stars were coming out. We layed down and we made out for a little bit, then I whispered in his ear " This was a wonderful date. I had a great time. " He kissed me again and we began to fall asleep. I knew Dal was okay with this, I figured him and Two-Bit talked, so we can sleep out here under the stars, together under a blanket. I slept great knowing that I was safe.

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