Chapter 7

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Karly's P.O.V  


have been here a week so far and I have learned a lot about the gang. They have been nice to me and looked out for me. They make sure I walk with someone and that I have my blade on my at all times. 

I was at the DX with Soda and Seve because I am good with cars, I got a job there to make money. Also, because I don't and won't go to school, and I get money and I won't have to be alone I the Curtis house. 
Currently I am helping Steve with a car that won't start I figured out that it was a belt that came off and it also had another problem that Steve could fix. He did that as I went to work at the counter, Soda was working outside at the gas pumps. The day was long and slow, but hey we got off early. 

  Soda drove us home, when I walked in the rest of the gang but Darry, who was still working and Dally were here. I just sat there waiting for my brother to come, but I found it odd that it was dinner time and he still wasn't here. 

  Darry came home from work at 6:00 and it is now 8:00. That was until Tim Shepard came in and said something to Darry, then they both looked at me then Tim left. 

Darry made an announcement saying "Tim Shepard just came to tell me that Dally was caught robbing a gas station, slashing tires and breaking windows of the school. He will be in the cooler for the next two weeks." 
Darry had a look of sadness in his eyes when he said that, looking at me. I nodded at told them I was going to Buck's.

  My walk there was peaceful, I was glad I had my jacket because it was freezing out. There were no socs out which was good. I walked into Buck's and he was having a party, I ignored it and went to mine and Dally's room, I grabbed clothes to changed into for bed and I also took my blade out of my jacket pocket and went into the bathroom. 

I changed and then I cut my wrist 1,2,3,4....6 times thinking about the different things that have happened. Things like my brother leaving me in New York, getting jumped by socs, the things Steve and Two-Bit said to me, Dally being in the cooler. I cleaned my wrist then bandaged them and went back to our room, and went to bed. 

   When I woke up I showered and got ready. I told Buck were I was going, that I had my blade, and Dally was in the cooler for the next 2 weeks.
 I walked to the Curtis house and sat down on the couch and watched Mickey. I don't think anyone noticed that I walked in because I didn't slam the front door when I walked in ( I am different and listen to Darry about not slamming the door shut). Two, I don't talk which means I don't yell " I'm here", like everyone else. And three,  it scares me when it slams.  

Pony's P.O.V 

I walked downstairs after Sodapop came and woke me up, and getting ready. As I was coming down the stairs I could hear that the gang was all here minus Dally because he is in the cooler. I can only guess that Karly is here but she is so quiet you would never know if she was here or not. 
  I got downstairs and made my way into the kitchen, but I looked in the living room before going into the kitchen and Karly was sitting on the couch minding her own business, Two-Bit was watching Mickey, drinking beer and having cake like always. Soda and Steve were at the table arm wrestling, and Darry was making breakfast. I got my self some breakfast once Darry noticed that I was up already.

Darry walked into the living room and stayed there until it was time for him to go to work.

Darry's P.O.V 

I was in the Kitchen making breakfast and I had Sodapop go wake up Ponyboy. I continued making breakfast for the gang minus Dallas. I walked into the living room to ask the gang if they wanted any eggs and bacon, and I noticed they were all here including Karly. I looked at her for a while waiting to see if she noticed me. She was watching t.v. and looked up at me and waved. I walked over to her and aksed if she wanted any breakfast and she nodded, I told her to follow me into the kitchen, I made her a plate and sat it down by Pony.

 I took a look at her facial expression, she looked lost and scared. I already talked to Sodapop and Steve about taking her to the DX with them so she can work on cars by herself and help them. It can give one of them a break and work the register. 

I walked back into the living room and sat down in my chair, it used to be the chair that my dad used to sit in everyday. I picked up the newspaper because that is what I always do, then looked up at the clock. 

"Soda, Steve, Karly let's go, so we aren't late for work", I said. They all headed out to the car, while Pony, Johnny, and Two were getting ready for school.

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