Chapter 34

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*​​​*** AN: There is a little bit if a time skip, but not much. I just want you to know that it isn't near New Year's Day anymore, I would say a month. This is also how Dally and Karly fell asleep**** 

Karly's P. O. V

Today was another slow work day. I have been working for 5 hours and I still have 2 hours to go. In the 5 hours I have worked, there has been a few people come for gas, oil changes, something from the store, and 4 people I had to fix a car for. Not a lot of people came mostly due to the 95° weather and that it was the middle of the week.  I have been in the back working in the garage by myself, not talking or looking at anyone. Steve is working the register and Soda is working the gas pump, Soda would bring a car around and say what was wrong with it and I would just get to work.

I'm not trying to be mean and push people away, it's just I need space and get myself together. I have been having nightmares and can't sleep, eat, or think. Dallas has been drinking and partying while I am asleep at Buck's, he is trying to get another girl to get with him since he isn't dealing with Sylvia. I could always go to Darry's but I don't want to burden them, having to sleep there so much. 
I know for fact I am not sleeping in the lot. I could go to Two-Bit's, but he is probably out getting drunk and finding poker games. I don't want to burden Laura since she was to work weird hours. I am thinking to much and can't get to sleep and when I do the nightmares come and nobody is there for me. 

I look up at the clock and see it is time to go home. I finish what I am doing and clean the tools,whipe the grease off my hands on a rag, put the the tools back in the proper draws of the tool box, and make sure everything is where it is suppose to be. While I was doing that, I didn't notice my brother walk in and stand in the door way of the garage that led to the store. 

"Ready to go kiddo? " Dally asked.
I jumped, not expecting anyone to be back here. I looked up at Dallas and nod, walking over to him, ready to go home. I walk out if the DX and see Steve and Soda waiting to lock up. Walking out and pass them, I stand by Steve's pick up with Dally, not speaking or making eye contact. 

When we parked in the drive way of the Curtis', I got out and walked into Pony and Soda's room to grab some of my clothes that I leave here and go take a shower. After my shower, I walk into the kitchen and grabbed two beers, a pack of cancer sticks on the living room coffee table and sat on the porch. I just sat there drinking and smoking for God knows what when my brother came out and joined me. 

I could feel his eyes glaring into the side of my head, watching my movements, waiting for me to look at him. "Are you okay? Karly, you know you can talk to me and I will help you. I put you first and while drop whatever I am doing to help you. Other than Johnny, you are I care about, I care more about you than myself. Just tell me what's wrong and I will fix it if I can". 

I look over at him on my left and sigh. " Dallas, I love you more than you know. I don't want you to be mad at me with what I have to say. " I paused waiting to see what he would do, he looked at me as if to say continue. " I have been having nightmares and didn't want to burden anybody. I need you or Two-Bit when I sleep. But you are both not there, you are drinking and partying at Buck's or with Tim and Two-Bit is getting drunk somewhere and probably finding poker games to play. I don't want to take you guys away from what you do."

"I just can't handle my thoughts, nightmares, anything that can happened. I just wish you would be there for me at night and hold me when I cry and scream, telling me I am okay and you love me, and you will protect me" I finished.
I look down crying,  grabbing my second beer and finishing it. It was silent for a minute, then Dallas wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me onto his lap, letting me cry into his chest and rubbing my back to help me calm down. 
"I am not mad at you for needing me and wanting me there for you. I will be there every night I can to sleep with you. Always come to me..." I didn't hear the rest because I fell asleep. 

Dally's P. O. V


I am not mad at you for needing me and wanting me there for you. I will be there every night I can to sleep with you. Always come to me to talk to get whatever it is off your chest. I love you Kalry, I couldn't ask for a better sister. " I said and looked down to see my sister fell asleep. 

I ran my fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead. I picked her up and carried her into the living room, sitting in Darry's chair. I moved slowly so I don't wake her up. I saw that the gang, minus Two-Bit and Darry, looking over at me and I shook my head at them, they seemed to get the message. They turned down the TV and some time before Darry came home I fell asleep listening to the soft breaths of my sister, while she slept. 

Darry's P. O. V

I came home from work sore and exhausted, I had to work over time today. I knew I would have to make dinner from the gang and my brothers and make sure everything and everyone is okay. I walked in and saw everyone here, watching TV and playing cards. I didn't take a good look at who was doing what, it I saw someone in my chair and was about to yell at whoever it was to move but Soda stopped me.

"Leave them Darry, they have been like that for 4 hours. We don't know what is going on or what happened but Karly came home with us from work and showered. When she came out dressed, she walked into the kitchen and grabbed two beers and the pack of whoever's  cigarettes and sat on the porch. She was out there for an hour or two before Dally went out there. They talked or whatever and he came back carrying her. She was asleep and we couldn't see her face because it was in his chest, but I think she was crying. Then he sat there and fell asleep at some point."

I nodded and took in everything that Soda said. I made my way in to the kitchen and started to make dinner, Pony came and helped. I was glad that he came and helped me, we made chicken and mashed potatoes. I had Pony quietly get the gang while I plated the food and set the table. 

Dally and Karly didn't wake up do I saved their food and went to the couch to read the paper. The gang all stayed the night and we all went to bed at 11.

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