Chapter 13- Surprises: Waking up and Seeing Dallas

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Karly's P.O.V

woke up to sunshine hitting my eyes. I slowly opened my eyes, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, sitting up. I look around in an unfamiliar place, but then I remember a little of what happened. I notice I was on the couch in the Curtis house. 

I look around the room, I am the only one here besides a muscular man sitting in the arm chair reading the newspaper. The guy soon puts the paper down and looks up, noticing that I am up looks at me. That's when I realize that that man is Darry. 
Darry got up and walked over to me. "Hey Karly, how are you feeling? Can you remember anything?" He asked me. 

" I am sore, need to clean myself and I remember a little but I am confused really" I said answering his questions. 

"Well, today is Monday. You, Steve, and Two-Bit were jumped on Friday against 8 Socs. You fought them off pretty well until one started punching your face. You got shoved to the ground and were kicked in the head", he paused."

"After a while, a Soc got out a baseball bat and hit you in the head with it and knocked you unconscious. You work at the DX with Soda and Steve" Darry finished explaining. 

"Okay. We're is everyone else?" I asked. "Well I took off work today. Soda and Steve are at work and Pony, Johnny and Two are at school." Darry said. 

I knew that my brother was in the slammer, so I knew he wouldn't be here. 

"Can I have some clothes that I can change into after I take a shower and everything?" I asked Darry. "Yeah just wait here a minute" he said getting up to get me some clothes. 

Darry handed me clothes and I gladly accepted them and walked into the bathroom and showered. This took about ten minutes, I was being gentle and slow because I was sore and I really need a shower. It took about ten minutes until I was all cleaned and out. I put on the sweatpants and the shirt that Darry had given me to wear. 

I could tell they were Soda's based on the smell. I finished and grabbed my other clothes that I had been wearing and asked Darry if he could wash them for me. He said yes and started them right away. I looked at the clock and it said it was 2:00 in the after noon. 

So I knew the boys will be getting here in an hour or two. Darry made me a ham and cheese sandwich and handed me a beer. I ate all of it and had chocolate cake for the first time too. 

The gang came through the the front door about an hour later. They were all talking and messing around until they all stopped talking when they saw me. I looked at them and waved with a half smile on my face. They all came and hugged me like there was no tomorrow. 

We were all talking and messing around watching Mickey when the front door opened and we all turned our heads to the door. We I saw that I knew the person that has just came through the that door, I froze. I was just staring, he was just staring back at me. 

I looked directly at my brother. I jumped up off the couch and jumped into his arms. "Hello to you to little miss sunshine" Dally said using his nickname for me. We were both crying and hugging for what felt like 20 minutes. The two of us walked over to the couch and sat down and started talking. 

We caught up on a lot that has happened in the last few days when I was out. I was really happy that Dallas got out of the cooler and was here. I couldn't live another week if he was still there. He made sure that I was okay and he told me that he was going to try to stay out of trouble, but no promises and I believed him. 

----------- Time skip days-----------

Today is Saturday and I just got to the Curtis house after a long day of work. I went back to work on Wednesday, Dally walked me there and home, and he came in through out the day checking in on me making sure I was doing okay. 

I sat on the couch next to Two-Bit and Dallas and I fell asleep as soon as I put my head in Dally's lap. 

Two-Bit's P.O.V 

am glad that Karly is feeling better. I have grown closer to her and her to me. I talked to Dally about how I like her and I wanted his promision to ask her out. He said I could, not to hurt her in anyway and to lookout and protect her with my life. 

I was already protecting her with my life and I wa never going to beak her heart. So I was going to ask her on a date tomorrow.

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