Chapter 29- Done Being Sick and Meeting Two-Bit's Mom

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Karly's P. O. V. 

t has been 3 days since I was sick and I was back at the DX working all day. Today I had the day off and was spending the day walking around, we went to the park, the lot, and now we are on our way to the Dingo. We walked in and found a booth that sat two people. Not long after we sat down the waitress came and asked us for our order. "A basket of fries and a mint shake to share", replied Two-Bit. "Coming right up" and she walked away. I smiled up at Two-Bit and leaned forward to kiss him. 

"What was that for? ", he asked. " You remembered my favorite shake", I replied. "Of course, your my girlfriend, I would be a bad boyfriend if I didn't". 

Soon the waitress came out and handed us our food. We ate in a comfortable silence util Two asked me a question. " Would you like to come over and eat dinner at my place tonight. My mom wants to meet you."
I looked at him in the eyes and said, "Yes. I would like to come. I would like to meet you mom."
"I will take you back to the Curtis' and then go home and talk to my mom and get everything ready and come back and get you at 6. Okay." I nodded. 

We got back to the Curtis house and kissed at the gate, then Two-Bit left and I went inside. I walked in and saw everyone here, so I grabbed Dally's hand and dragged him into the kitchen. "Two-Bit asked me to join him for dinner at his place so I can meet his mom, who was being wanting to meet me. Dally I'm freaking out. Help me." I said. 

"First, calm down I don't need you to have a panic attack. Second, you will be fine. And third, when is he picking you up."

"He us picking me up at 6, from here" I said. 

"Okay. Why don't we go join the others and watch a movie that is on TV and then it will take your mind off of it for a while. " I nodded at my brother's response. We walked into the living room and I sat in Dally's lap and watched the movie, soon Two-Bit walked in at took my hand and said it was time to go. I kissed Dally on the cheek and left. 

We arrived at his house in about 10 minutes. He walked around and opened my car door and took my hand and helped me out. I smiled and kissed him, he is such a gentleman. Two-Bit owned his front door and called for his mom. She came out of the kitchen wearing an apron and a spoon in her hand. 

"Hello, I'm Luara.You can call me Laura too. You must be Karly. " She said. "Yes I am and it's nice to meet you Luara. " I said quietly. Two-Bit came over and took my hand and rubbed my knuckles with his thumb. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. He leaned in and whispered in my ear, " Hey, calm down. My mom loves you. I talk about you all the time and she thinks of you as her own daughter. You don't need to worry"he said. I nod my head and he kissed by temple, taking my hand and leading my to the dinning room. 

"I made chicken strips and fries and have some beer too. I hope you like it, it is all my own recipe. Keith said you liked this kind if food  so I thought I would make it for you. I really hope you like it", Luara said. 

" I bet anything you make taste good Luara." I said. She smiled and handed me a plate. I felt Two-Bit put a hand on my thigh and rubbed it gently. I took a bit of chicken and I loved it.

"Laura this is the best chicken that I have ever had in my life. It is amazing" I completed her. 

"I'm glad you like it dear."

For the rest of the night we spend talking and eating. Telling stories about our childhood, and different stuff. It was going on 10 at night and I wanted to go home. "I need to head out, I have work tomorrow. It was great meeting you, I will definitely stop by again. "

She hugged me and told me she would enjoy it if I stopped by again.
"Can you take me to Buck's? " I asked Two. "Yeah I am staying with you. "

When we got to Buck's, I noticed he was having a party. I walk in and go to the bar and talk with Buck  he said Dally was at Tim's and wasn't coming tonight. I thanked him and went upstairs to our room and closed the door after Two-Bit came in. He took off his jeans and shirt and layed in my bed, while I walked to my dresser and grabbed PJ shorts and put them on. I walked over to the bed and crawled in next to my boyfriend and pulled the covers over us. We cuddled against each other and made out for a little bit, then we fell asleep. 

I love you so much Two-Bit, I don't know what I would do without you. 

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