Chapter 44- Ireland Rose

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**** AN: I am skipping to when Karly is 9 months pregnant and she doesn't have anymore nightmares.***

Karly's P. O. V. 

am now 9 months pregnant and due any day now. I am currently sitting in the chair in the nursery rubbing my tummy. I had just finished packing a hospital bag for when I go into labor. Little Ireland kicks every now and then, but it isn't hard. I started to fall asleep when I had a sudden pain. I stood up slowly to get my water from the night stand when my water breaks. 


He comes rushing in and grabs the bag and sets me down in the chair to get shoes on my feet. When he is down, we go to the car where Keith is. The contractions have started and are painful. I get a little teary and my husband grabs my hand and I squeeze it hard. Dallas is flying down the road and we make it to the hospital in no time. 

The boys help me inside and a nurse immediately grabs a wheelchair and takes me to a room. The lady at the front desk called the gang, so they are on their way. I get changed into a gown and lay in the bed, waiting for instructions. I grab my brother's hand and my husband's hand and squeeze when there is a contraction. Dr. Brown walks in and tells me I am almost ready, that if won't be long. 

"Karly I need you to start pushing now! "

So I give a push and it hurts. I start crying and screaming. It keeps going in a cycle until they yell they can see the head. That's when I lose it. 


"You got this. Baby, you can do it. Just keep pushing" Keith said. ( I am the only one that can call him Keith other than his mother). 

"Karly, I need 3 big pushes okay. Then she is out", Dr. Brown said. 

I screamed and gave 3 more pushes. Then I heard it, the beautiful cry of my daughter. Keith goes and cuts the umbilical cord while my brother puts a cool rag on my head and hands we some water. He also whipes the tears away and kissed my head. 

They take Ireland to get cleaned and checked. 5 minutes later they have her wrapped up in a pink blanket that has animals on it. I grab her from the nurse and lay her on my chest, kissing her head and her nose. I run my finger gently on her cheek and smile. 

"She is 5 lbs 6 oz" The nurse said. 

"Hello Ireland Rose. Mommy loves you and always protect you and love you. Daddy and Uncle Dally will scare all the boys who look at you and try to talk to you. They will only do that because they love you and want to protect you. " I said. 

Ireland layed on my chest listening to my heartbeat, asleep. When the nurse came in and told me that it was time I fed her. I hated I had to wake her up. I moved to pick her up and she started fussing and crying. 

"I know baby. I'm sorry I had to wake you, but you must be hungry" I said.

Sat up straight and leaned against the pillows and pull the top of my gown down. I looked at the nurse and she nodded at me to continue. I brought Ireland up to my breast and waited for her to attach, after a minute or two see did. The nurse helped me through what I need to do, fixing his I was holding my daughter. 

"Okay, pull her off so you can burp her and get her changed and back to sleep. Also so you can rest and make more milk. It will be exhausting and at times you will run out of milk and need to make formula" She said. 

I did as told and changed Ireland into the outfit on top and layed her on my chest. Keith and Dally kissed her head and mine and said they were going to go talk to the gang. After 5 minutes, she fell asleep and not to long I did because I was tired and sure from being in labor for 2 hours. 

Dally's P. O. V. 

am proud of my sister, she did great today. Ireland Rose is cute, she is going to be my princess to spoil. My niece is going to be so loved, I hate she has to grow up in this town with this rivalry. 

Two-Bit's P. O. V. 

ally and I are on the way to the lobby to inform the gang on Karly and Ireland. They both are probably tired and I expect them to be. Ireland Rose is so cute, and I know Karly and I are going to have so much joy having her around. 

"Hey guys. If you want you can go see them, they might both be asleep though. Both of them are happy and healthy. " I said. 

"That's great. I can't wait to see her" Darry said. 

The gang followed Dally and I to their room. Karly was asleep and I could tell Ireland was waking up. I picked her up and rocked her back and forth to keep her calm. I kissed the tip of her nose and she seemed to love it. I turned to Karly and hissed her for head and then I turned back to the gang. 

"Everyone this is Ireland Rose Mathews. She is 5lbs 6 oz. "

I passed her to the guys and Darry's girlfriend, Lily. Soda was holding her when she started to get fussy, so Dally took her and rocked her back and forth in his arms. He was talking to her lovingly. She calmed down and smiled at him. He is going to be a great uncle. Karly started to wake up then. She sat up slowly, still sore, and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and looked around. 

"Where is my jellybean? Is she hungry?" She asked. 

"I've got the little princess, Sunshine, calm down. I got her to stop crying. She might be hungry, but it can wait a little while longer. Here. She is perfect sis. " Dally said handing Ireland to Karly. 

Karly's P. O. V. 

hen I woke up, my chest felt lighter. I slowly sat up, still sore, not seeing my daughter. I freaked out and looked to see the gang. Keith saw I was freaking out and grabbed my hand but my brother was the first to say anything. 

"I've got the little princess, Sunshine, calm down. I got her to stop crying. She might be hungry, but it can wait a little while longer. Here. She is perfect sis." he said. 

I picked he up and sat her on my lap so she was facing me. I kissed her nose, cheek and forehead before laying her on my chest. After a while of talking, the nurse came in and said I could leave. I headed my brother my daughter and have Keith help me get up and out of the bed. The gang left while my husband stayed to help me get dressed. 

I changes in skinny jeans, a white T-shirt, a purple hoodie, my purple church's, and a put my hair into a bun and put a black bandana on. My husband helped me get into my underwear and jeans. I could do everything thing else. 

The two of us walked and and met the gang. Keith had the bag of stuff and I grabbed Ireland from Lily. All of us walked to the cars because Dally signed me out. I put Ireland in her seat so she was facing backwards and got in next to her. 

" Whoever is driving out of the two of you I don't care bit you need to drive the speed limit. You need to stay on the road, stop at every stop light and sign, and don't killed us. Or I will kill you." I said. 

"Got it", they both said. Keith got in the drivers seat and we were off. Not long after we got on the road Ireland began to cry. 

" Baby, mommy's right here. You'll be fine jellybean. Shhhh." I said rubbing her cheek. She stopped crying after a while. 

When we got home I took her out if her seat and went straight to the chair in the nursery and fed her. When she was done, I put her in the cribe and turned the baby monitor on. I went to my room and put on sweats and went to the kitchen to get food and something to drink.

I ate and talked with the boys and told them, "I am going to bed, the baby monitor is on, her door was cracked half way. And to let me sleep, unless she needs to be fed. First check dipper, then rocker her, if it doesn't work come get me. You can handle it right? "

"We got it", my husband said. 

" I am being serious. Our lives changed, just saying. Ireland is going to need a lot of attention and you need to help and know what you are doing. If you don't know wht you are doing and I can help you. The nurse told me what I need to know and I read a few books."

" We understand. We really have it under control", my brother reassured me. 

I sighed and nodded walking off to bed.

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