chapter 45

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Karly's P. O. V.

I woke up to the sound of my daughter crying. I get up out of bed and go check on her. I pick her up and check her diaper, it needs changed and she might be hungry. After I changed her diaper, I took her to the chair in the corner and sat in it to feed her.

When I was done, I burped her and layed her on my chest, letting her listen to my heartbeat. After about 5 minutes she was asleep, I smiled down at her and kissed her head. About half an hour later I fell asleep.

I woke up and saw Ireland wasn't with me. So I quickly got up and went to find her. I walked into the living room and saw my brother holding my daughter.

"This is something I never thought I would see. " I said.

"To be honest, neither did I. She is different from all of the other kids, she is a Winston; my niece. Don't tell anyone but the gang about my soft spot for her. " He said.

"Secret safe with me. Where's Keith? "

"He went to the store for something. I went to check on Princess here, and I found her with you. You both were asleep, I wasn't there long before she was starting to wake up, so I took her. I hope that is okay, I know I scared you. Sorry. "

"Thanks. And it is fine by the way. " I said.

We all got ready ( Ireland;

We all got ready ( Ireland;

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) and walked across the street, Dally carryin Ireland and I was carrying the diaper bag

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) and walked across the street, Dally carryin Ireland and I was carrying the diaper bag. We walked in and everyone was here including my husband who was holding doughnuts. I grabbed Ireland from my brother and walked over to my husband and I kissed him, than handed Ireland to him.

I grabbed my doughnut and went to chocolate milk from the fridge. I walked back into the living room and sat next to my husband on the couch, I kissed I really on the nose and she cooes at me. I missed my breakfast after a couple of minutes and looked down at my daughter.

She was my hair, eyes, and nose. She has Keith's smile, skin color, and strength. I am waiting to see what personality she will have. I looked up and started talking when Ireland grabbed my hair and pulled it hard.

"Ow. Can one of you guys help me. She has a strong grip and is going to make me bald. " I said.

My brother came to my rescue and got my hair free of her little fingers. She didn't think that and began to cry.

"Jellybean here is my finger. It's alright mommy's right here, so is daddy. " I told her. She grabbed my finger and stopped crying.

The day was spent with the gang, we were having fun with everyone, including Ireland. Dally, Keith and I grabbed everything and Ireland and walked across the street. I got Ireland ready for bed and went to my room, Keith was still up waiting for me.

I changed and hopped into bed. "Baby? "

"Yes? "

"We should take Ireland and go visit your mom tomorrow. It would be nice to caught up with her and for her to see her granddaughter. " I said.

"Sounds great. My mom would really like that. Good night, I love you. " He said.

" Good night, love you too. "

And with that we both fall asleep laying in each other's arms.

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