Chapter 24

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Dally's P. O. V


don't know what is going on with my sister,  she is just frozen and numb to the world.  I knew she thought that I was going to hit her when she walked in the door,  but I am not like our old man. I made her sit on my lap because if she did cone to her sences and try something I would be right there and because I know how to deal with her.  

" Dal,  are you sure she is okay?  She is just staring out into space in her own world,  not knowing what is going on around her. " Soda said.  

"I can handle it,  it may be a challenge,  but I know what I need to do to help her through this.  And right now I am just letting her go. " I said. 
The whole gang sat in the livingroom just talking and watching Mickey.  It had been about 2 hours after I put Karly's on my lap she moved.  She all of a sudden went limo and her head dropped into my chest, she fell asleep.  I was glad that she fell asleep instead of doing something else.  
I know that the boys are worried about her,  but they are experiencing this for the first time.  I feel like this has happened before but nobody was around at the time to know what was going on.  

" Well she just fell asleep,  so leave her be and please be quiet.  I don't know how long she will sleep but anything right now is good enough for me." I said to the gang.  They nodded and stayed quiet,  so I began to fall asleep and there was nothing I needed more.  

Darry's P. O. V


saw Dallas just fall asleep laying with Karly who fell asleep 15 minutes ago.  I know that I caused this to happen.  I should have done something different than what I did but I did what had to be done.  You can't just go and do that in someone's home.  

I waved the gang to the door and quietly closed it.  " Since those to are asleep and with events that have happened recently,  let's go play football in the lot and then go and have dinner at the Dingo. " Everyone agreed and that was what we set out to do.  It was about three in the afternoon,  so we had thine to kill. 
We played for about 2 hours then went and ate dinner.,  and then went home.  When we got home they are still sleeping,  but I knew one if then would wake up soon. 

Karly's P. O. V


woke up at 7 at night,  laying down on the Curtis couch in Mt brother's arms.  He was still asleep. I wasn't going to say anything to the others and I think that they figured out from passed events that I wasn't going to talk.  I just sat layed there messing with Dally's hair,  and fell back asleep st 11:00.

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