Chapter 35

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Karly's P. O. V. 

I woke up the next day in Darry's chair laying with my head on Dally's chest. I look around and see that the gang is all up and Dally is awoke. I get up and walk into he kitchen, Dally following me. We get our breakfast from Pony and sit at the dinning room table and have a wonderful brother, sister time talking and eating. 

I didn't have work today so I was going to go to the movies and go to Dairy Queen with Two-Bit, Johnny- cakes, and Pony. I was excited for today and was enjoying the day, it was something that was well needed. After I finished eating, I got dressed in the bathroom and left out the door with the boys. On the way to the movie house Johnny and Pony walked ahead of Two-Bit and I having their own conversation, while Two and I hung back talking, joking around and kissing every now and then. 

After sitting in the movie house for 2 hours, we walked to Dairy Queen and got food. I got a cheeseburger, fries, and a mint brownie shake. Two-Bit got a pulled pork sandwich with fries and a coke. Johnny and Pony got chicken stripes with fries,  pepsi  and sundaes. The whole time we were there, there were no Socs to cause any problems with us, which I was thankful for. 

When we were done, the four of us walked back to Pony house, and I thought this was a good time to talk to Two-Bit about what I talked about with Dally. Johnny and Pony were a block away from the Curtis', so I knew they were out of ear shot. Two-Bit was laughing at a joke he made and kept walking while I stopped. He must have noticed that I stopped because he stopped and walked back over to me. 

"Hey, baby is everything alright? "

I was looking at the ground, not wanting to meet his eyes. " I don't want to cause any tension and problems between us, but I want to tell you something I discussed with my brother yesterday. I just don't want you to be mad at me with what I have to say.", I said quietly. 

Two-Bit gently lifted my chin with his hand to make me look hin in the eyes, "I could never be mad at you. Tell me what it is you have to say, we can work it out. "

I looked at him for a moment and hesitated, " It's just I can't sleep and night and you and my brother aren't there when I need you. My brother is out partying, getting into fights, causing trouble, and trying to get girls, while you are out getting drunk and finding poker to play. Two-Bit, your my boyfriend, my first boyfriend and I love being with you. It is scary for me being in a relationship, but I need you, and you aren't there and my brother isn't there  and I just don't know what to do. " I said crying at the end. 

" Baby, why didn't you tell me before. I can stop playing poker at night and sleep with you. You need sleep, and I want you to be happy in this relationship. So, please tell me if you have any more problems."

I nodded and said, "I love you Mickey".

" I love you too Minnie ".

Then we kissed a few times. I sighed and grabbed Two-Bit's hand and we continued walking back to the Curtis'. Stealing glances at Two, he would smile and rub his thumb over my knuckles. When we walked in the front door, all heads turned towards us, " There you guys are. We were wondering what happened to you lovebirds."

I walked over to my brother and whisphered in his ear, "Two-Bit and I talked it out. The stuff we talked about yesterday, he said he would sleep with me and be there."

He nodded and handed me a plate with two slices of cake and chocolate milk. I walked over to the couch and sat next to my boyfriend and shared the cake with him. I smiled when he took the second fork and started to shove it in his face while watching Mickey Mouse.

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