Chapter 5

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Dally's P.O.V

  I was pissed because Steve and Two-Bit had to ruin one simple task. I through Karly over my shoulder and sat on the porch steps with her in my lap in a hug calming her down, while I had a cancer stick. 

"what happened in there," I asked. "They were asking yes and no questions like you asked, then Steve and Two made fun of me because I can't talk. I was scared at first because I don't trust them, then when they said that stuff I got angry and started punching them. I would have screamed and yelled, but I can't, and I don't want to talk to them anyway." Karly wrote down. Then she wrote "Do you remember how to do sign language from Grandma May?" Karly asked on paper. 


Yes I do, why?" I asked. "Because it will be easier for the two of us to communicate" She wrote. I smiled and signed "Let's tell the gang we are leaving and we can catch up at the Dingo, then go to my place". Karly nodes yes and we did that. 

   The walk was peaceful, socs were not out trying to jump us greasers this time. We arrived at the Dingo and caught up on the past 7 years. I told her about the different social classes. "Ther are doves which are the rich kids and they like to jump and pick on us greasers. They live on the East side of town. Next is the middle class, they don't do much they stay in their own business. And lastly, you have greasers which are the poorer people in town. We live on the West side, and I will take good care of you." My sister just nodded her head in an understanding kind of way. 

The waitress came over to us and asked what we wanted, I ordered for the both of us 2 cheeseburgers with fries, 1 Coke and 1 chocolate milkshake. We did get a few weird looks when I used sign language to speak with Karly. To make everything better Tim Shepard and the rest of his gang came in. 

I looked at my sister and there it was again that scared look on her face and in her eyes.  I feel bad for her. "Hey Tim what do you want?". "I came for food, but I wanted to know if you want to hang. Who's this broad, when your done with her can I have her?" Tim said. 

"1 No you can't have her she is my twin sister and 2 I will find you later, I am busy right now." 

Karly's P.O.V

 After Tim left our food came and I told Dallas about everything about our parents and what they did. I could see his eyes change from soft and caring to blazing with anger. I can't really calm him down because I can't speak, but I looked him in the eyes and took a good look at him, I realized that he toughened up and didn't really care about anybody other than me and maybe Johnny. 

   By the time I was done eating he seemed to have calmed down and nodded that he was ready to head out. He put his arm around me in a protective way because it is night and we don't want to get jumped by socs. We arrived at a bar called Buck's and Dal said that is where he lives and I will stay with him, I put my bags on the floor and grab shorts and a t-shirt for bed. I climb into the bed and fell asleep. 

Dally's P.O.V


showed Karly which room was mine then I went downstairs to tell Buck that my sister was going to be staying with me in my room and that she gets scared easily, is tough like me and can pack a punch if needed to, and is a mute and won't speak to him.

 He nodded in response because he was drunk. I went back upstairs to change, I grabbed my clothes out of my draw and took them to the bathroom to change. When I came back I noticed that Karly was already fast asleep in my bed, but we are going to share it so I got in and wrapped my arm around her waist and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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