Chapter 37

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Dally's P. O. V. 

woke up in my bed and rolled over to check on my sister, but I woke up to an empty spot. I tried not to freak out, but it was only 5 in the morning and my sister doesn't get up this early. I get up and walk out of our room and see that the bathroom door is closed and the light on.
I knocked lightly and asked if she was okay. I didn't get a reply, so I opened the door and saw she was sitting on the floor holding a blade and had blood running down her arms, and a little on her leg. I wasn't stupid, I know she cut, but I was surprised by it. She was looking at the floor, shaking and in tears. I vent down in front of her and lifted her chin so she would look at me. 

"Karly, Sunshine, why would you do this? " I asked. 

"Dally I can't. I can't do this anymore. I can't just have anything good happen to me. I have bad parents, I was abused, I have nightmares, I get jumped by Socs, have trouble talking. I am always scarred, I get depressed, jumpy, and I feel lost and alone."
" Sure you and Two-Bit are there but that's not enough, I want to have fun, be free feel loved. I want to be tough. Dallas I just want to be normal." She cried. 

I stood up and got the fist aid kit and sat down on the floor and pulled her into my lap. Whispering soothing, loving things into her left ear. I cleaned the cuts, put cream on them and bandaged them and kissed the top of her head. She looked up at me and kissed my cheek and said, "I won't do this again".

She got up and walked back into our room and changed into her work cloths, except she wore long sleeved DX shirt and wore jeans and chucks. She pulled her hair into a ponytail and tied a red bandana in her hair. She didn't put any make up on and she brushed her teeth. She nodded her head and lead the way down the stairs. We walked to the DX together and got there just as Sodapop and Steve did. 

I knew Karly wasn't going to talk to anyone and I wasn't going to talk about what happened. I sat in the garage watchihg my sister work on cars and admired her work. She was fast and she knew what she was doing. After about 2 hours I got up hugged her, kissed her head and told her I was going to find Two-Bit and talk to him and I would be back to pick her up at 3. 

Our birthday is in 4 days and I wanted to talk to Two-Bit and see if sometime before then if he would talk to Karly about their future. I also wanted him to talk to me about and see what he was planned for her birthday. 

At the DX

Karly's P. O. V
Dally left about an hour ago and I was working hard and was doing my best not to make eye contact with Sodapop and Steve, I didn't need them asking me questions. Lunch was in 2 hours and all three of us were going to the Dingo and I wasn't ready for that. Business was hopping today and it seemed like I was always doing something. 

** Skip to lunch at the Dingo ***

The waitress came and asked us what we wanted to drink and I wrote down mint brownie milkshake. And Steve and Soda got pepsi. After she came back with our drinks she us what we wanted to order, Steve and Soda ordered burger with fries.

They both looked at me and Steve asked "what do you want blondy?"

I wrote down Mac and cheese with fries. She wrote it down and left saying it will be out shortly  Steve and Soda both looked at each other then at me and started talking and asking questions, but I wasn't going to answer them. They realized that as I said nothing was our food came out.
After we finished eating, we went back to work. I only worked for an hour and a half, then Dallas showed up. I looked up at him for a moment from working on the car engine and looked back down. Since we are twins we have a twin bond and can sense when things are wrong, have a conversation with our eyes and a bunch of different stuff that other people normally don't pick up on. So when I looked at him, he knew that I was shaken up still, not talking and was trying to bust. Myslef with work to take my mind off of the events that happened this morning. 

After work was over Dallas and I walked to the Curtis' and grabbed a beer and cake. I said nothing and acknowledged noone. I got up to take my plate back into the kitchen and wash it off in the sink when I looked down at my jeans and see blood seeping through. I looked at my brother and he knew that it was from one of my cuts on my thigh. We went to the bathroom and locked the door after we closed it behind us. 

I took my pants off and sat on the sink and while Dallas cleaned my leg and put more cream and new bandages on it. I started to tear up as I got my pants on. Dally pulled me into a tight hug and whispered in my hair that I am okay and he loves me. I calmed down after a while and wash my face off. I looked in the mirror to make sure I looked okay, you could see tear stands on my face and my eyes we're slightly red, other than that I looked fine. 

I layed down in the floor and feel asleep after Two-Bit leaned forward on the couch a nd whispered in my ear that he wants to have a firtire with me, have sex, get married, have kids and have a house. I didn't say anything, I kissed kissed him and then I feel asleep. 

I wonder what is to come in the next few days and years. 

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