Chapter 18- Church Fire and Panic Attacks

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Soda's P. O. V. 

I only worked half a day today,  and thought that it would be a good day to go to Buck's get the money that I had won at the rodeo.  I walked in and looked at the bar not seeing Buck,  I went upstairs to his room.  When I was up there,  I was peaking in rooms I saw that all the doors were open but two,  the Winston twins and Buck's.  I peaked into to see if the twins were sleeping,  I only saw Karly and she looked like she was having a nightmare.  And the other door was Buck's so I knocked on it and he answered and gave me my winnings.  

I thought that it would be best if I woke Karly up and took her over to my house.  When I walked in I saw Pony 's sweatshirt on the floor,  I know that Dal knows where he is,  I am going to have to ask him later.  

I walked over to the bed and started to shake her awake.  "Karly, Karly it's okay nobody's going to hurt you" I said gently not wanting her to panic more.  She started to calm down and then she shot up into a sitting position and was shaking and crying.  

"Hey it's alright.  I won't hurt you,  your fine. Hey if you want I can take you to my house and you hang out with Two-Bit. " I said,  hoping she would want to. 

She reached over and grabbed her paper and pen and said,  " Yeah I guess..... Let me change first you can wait down stairs".

I nodded and left.  When I got down stairs I saw Dally was here.  " Hey Dally do you know where Piny and Johnny are?  And when you see them give this to Pony please. " I said handing him the note that I had written.  

"I don't know what you are talking about,  but sure" He said denying that he knew where they were.  Then he got up and left,  leaving in Buck T-Bird. Just after that, Karly came down the stairs and nodded that she as ready to leave.  

Karly's P. O. V. 

When we got to the Curtis' house,  I just stood in the doorway not really sure what to do.  I was looking around and I saw that my Mickey was sleeping in the couch and I went and layed on the couch next to him.  I layed on my side facing the t.v. with my back in his chest,  he instantly out his arm around me and I snuggled up to him and feel asleep.  

When I woke up I rolled over and looked up at my wonderful boyfriend's face and smiled,  giving him a kiss on the lips.  He kissed me again and then my neck.  I got up to get a beer for each of us,  knowing that we both need it.  I looked at the clock and it was 12: 30 in the afternoon,  I made myself grilled cheese and went to the living room handing Two his beer and ate while watching Mickey Mouse. 

After watching TV for 2 and half hours,  I started to panic because everyone was here but Dally ( and of course Pony and Johnnycakes) . I started to have a panic attack and went into the bathroom and locked the door.  I slid up against the door and started crying and shaking,  I also took out my switchblade nd started cutting.  I am 3 cuts on my wrist and was ready to do another one when Two-Bit broke in and threw it into the living room and was holding me,  and was whispering sweet things in my ear calming me down.  Darry camcame in a minute later and started calling me down too,  he also cleaning and bandaged my wrist.  

After I calmed down the three of us went back into the living room and they asked me what that was about.  I wrote on a piece of paper that Dally didn't come by to check in me and I freaked out thinking I made him leave because he hates me for 1. I am weak,  2. Because I was hanging out with his friends and 3. Because I can't talk and do things to make him happy. " I was crying by now.  

The next thing I know I am running out the door and down the street not knowing what I am doing and where I am going.  I kept running for a while then I saw Tim and waved at him,  he walked over and asked me if I was alright.  I nodded and he started to walk he to the Curtis's house.  

When we walked in,  Two came and gave me a tight hug and kissed my forehead.  I saw everyone was looking at Tim standing in the door way.  "Tim why don't you stay fr dinner since your here? " Darry asked him.  He nodded and sat in Darry's chair,  while me and Two-Bit sat in the couch.  

20 minutes later dinner was ready and we had chicken with mashed potatoes and corn.  I didn't eat a lot but I finished most of my food,  and I had finished 3 beers and was in my fourth when we got a call saying Pony  Johnny,  and Dally were in the hospital. 

Dally's P. O. V

Today was the day I was going to bring the boys home.  I made it to throws church and found an opening and looked for them.  I saw that Johnny was curled up on one if the benches.  While Pony was laying on the ground by the fire place thing.  

" Hey Blondie,  it's time to wake up.  Johnnycakes get up" I said kicking the bench and nudging Pony.

  "Hey Dal.  What are you doing here? " " Are the cops after us? " " How is everyone? " 

"Hold on stop asking to many questions at the same time. I am here to take you home,  I told the cops you went to Texas.  Oh,  and I have a special delivery for Ponyboy Curtis. " I said handing him the letter. 

"Who's it from? " 

" It's from the President of the United States. No it's from your brother, Sodapop.  That kid wouldn't leave me alone because he knew that I knew where you were.  I just said I would give it to you if I saw you. " 

As he was reading that Johnny and I were chatting about different stuff that was going on while they were gone.  " Hey let's go get some food,  I didn't eat breakfast because I had to leave before my sister saw me leaving. "

I took them to Dairy Queen to eat.  They were like animals they were eating so fast and so much,  I had to keep reminding them that they were going to get sick.  After they finished we left to head home,  everything was fine until Johnny talked about turning hineself in. 

I was telling him that jail was not the place for him and I know he wouldn't last 3 days in there.  After arguing for 10 minutes the ride was silence for the rest of the way,  well until we saw the church buying and the two idiots jumped out if the car and went running inside,  yelling they could get some little kids out.  

Being the adult and friend I am,  I ran to help them by breaking windows open and grabbed the kids from them.  We got then all out and I got Pony out when I could see and hear the roof collapsing,  so I jumped in and pulled Johnny out the window.  But a flaming peice of timber caught his arm and he fell,  luckily I pulled both of us out just in time.  Then everything went black.  

I woke up in the hospital.  Just great,  just great.  How is Johnny and Pony?  Hell how am I?  Wait is Karly okay?  Is she alone?  I had so many thoughts running through my head when the door swung open and Karly came running in and jumped on my hugging my tightly,  crying not wanting to let go. 

Karly's P. O. V. 

Darry,  Soda,  Two-Bit,  and I went running to the truck while Tim and Steve left for Buck's.  

When we arrived at the hospital I junodd out if the car and went running inside.  I heard Darry ask for Dally's room,  I bearly heard it because I was running and I was panicking. When I got there I ran in and cried giving him a tight hug.  

All three were okay and released the next day.  Right now there are getting ready for the rumble,  while I am driving off to sleep on the couch.  

I woke up to a bunch of yelling and cheering,  also a bunch of crashing sounds.  That's when I realized we must have won.  I smiled to my self and went to the bathroom to get the first aid kit and went to the icebox to get ice.  I started to work on Dally and Steve because they were the worst nd went on from there.  

It was decided that we were all sleeping over here and I was going to be on the couch with Dally.  He told me that he was going to sleep with me because of my nights rest and because Two-Bit and Darry told him about earlier.  He told he that I am not weak,  he doesn't hate and a whole other more,  I looked him in the eyes and said "I love you" Where he barely heard me but he smiled down at me and said " love you too,  munchkin. " 

From there I layed my head on his chest with his arm around me and sleep came to me quickly.

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