Chapter 9

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Dally's P.O.V 

 I can't believe that it is only Wednesday and I still have the rest of this week and all of next week in here. I just want out. I want to be with my twin sister and the gang, but no I am stuck in the cooler. 

Sometimes I wonder why I do the kind of stuff that I do and then I think, it is to keep up my reputation. 
I juat can't wait to see my sister again. I feel terrible because I left her in New York in a no good place, living on the bad side of New York, and to top it off with our no good parents that made her take care of her sled for 7 years. And then she is here a week then I get thrown in the cooler. I feel terrible because I left her yet again. 
I just hope that she is okay. 

Two-Bit's P.O.V 

 When I woke up Karly was still sleeping in my lap. I noticed that there was a blanket on us, mostly her, so I am guessing that Darry did that before he went to bed. 

All of the gang was up and here, while she slept away still. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked around Mickey was on but it was quiet. I noticed that Pony was looking at me. 
"Hey Pony can you gently lift her head up so I can get out from under her without waking her up", I wisper- yelled. He nodded and did as I asked, and she didn't wake up either which was good. I don't know how much sleep she has gotten without Dally being there with her. 

Darry came into the living room just as I began to walk into the kitchen and said breakfast was on the stove. I grabbed a plate and put eggs, bacon and toast on there to eat first. Then, to go back and get cake and beer.
"Darry, what are we going to do with Karly?" I asked him. "Well she has work, so we need to wake her up and let her take a shower", Darry said as we were both watching her sleeping on the couch. I went over and lightly shook her awake. 

"Karly, Karly it is time to get up. You have work today, there is also breakfast for you" I tell her as she finally gets up. She went to take a shower and asked Soda for a different DX shirt. When she was done she had a beer and the four of them left for work. 

Karly's P.O.V 

 When we got to the DX we did the same system as yesterday but Sida and Steve switched places. I still worked on my own and helped Sodapop on cars and trucks. I was thinking about Dally the whole time Inwas working alone today. 

I was currently in the garage working on some socs car, by myself not really caring what is going on around me. 
I must have been to caught up in thinking because the next thing I know is Soda is yelling my name and somebody kicked my foot. Them doing that led me to hitting my head and cutting my forehead in two different places. 'Great' I thought, 'two more scars to add to my face'. 

I rolled out from underneath the car and turned to look for Sodapop and Steve. I found both of them in the store. I glared at both of them so hard they would have been dead 100 times each. " Kar-", Soda cut off his own sentence when he saw me standing in front of him. 

"What did you do!?", Sodapop yelled, causing me to flinch. I think he noticed and his eyes softened. " I was working in the car until you called my name and somebody kicked my feet. And I hit my head when I was working underneath the car, cutting my face in two different spots. 1 is straight across my forehead and the second one is by my left eye. I can feel it." I said. 

"Sorry about that but you weren't paying attention when I said it was lunch break" Soda said. "I'm sorry, I was thinking about my brother the whole time I was underneath the car" I said. 

Steve went to go get Dairy Queen for lunch, I told him I only wanted a sundae. I could tell that he was disappointed in me because I wasn't eating today. I glared at him and he got the message. 

"Let me clean up your face so it doesn't get infected" Soda tells me. I look down, knowing he needed to, but also because I knew that it was going to hurt. I hate the pain, it is never fun and it hurts. I was getting lonely and my anxiety was kicking in because I could feel myself freezing and getting scared. 

Soda came back with a first aid kit a clean wash cloth and rubbing alcohol. I had tears in my eyes, I hate the pain from the alcohol. Just as Sodapop was about to put the running alcohol on the wash cloth after cleaning of the blood with soap and water, Two-Bit came through the door. 

"I ditched after lunch and came here to see how things were going." Two said. He noticed my cuts and my tears and he gave me a hug and held my hand when Sodapop cleaned the cuts. I flinched a lot and was crying, so Two-Bit had to hold me down on the counter while Soda cleaned them up. 
Just as soon as Soda finished Steve came back with food. He noticed that I was full on sobbing now and have me a hug while Soda put band aids on the cuts. 

I sat behind the counter where nobody can see me and are my sundae. Two-Bit was sitting with me in his arms, getting me to calm down. After about 5 minutes I calmed down and I was able to eat my ice cream. It was just what I needed. We got out early today because business was slow so the four of us walked to the Curtis house. 

Pony and Johnny were smoking on the porch when we got there. I knew Darry had to work overtime and was going o be home at 6 tonight. So I made dinner. I made mac and cheese from scratch like my Grandma Gene used to make it. It took about 10 minutes to make, so I was going to start it around 6 so Darry won't have to wait long and it would be warm. 
I sat on the floor leaning on the couch watching Mickey. I looked at the clock and Darry would be home in 5 minutes. So, I got up to make dinner.

Two-Bit followed me, which I was okay with. I grabbed a pot and put water and salt in there, set it on the stove, and turned on the heart. I had Two grab the macaroni noodles from the top shelf of the cabinet. 

I grabbed the milk and the chesse from the fridge, and found a strainer that I put in the other side of the sink. After a while the water was boiling so I put the noodles in the water and cooked them for & minutes. When 8 minutes was up I strained the noodles and put them back into the pot and added the cheese and milk, I also threw in some butter to make it creamier. As I was stirring Two-Bit grabbed bowls and forks and helped me dish up the food and set it on the table. 

"Dinner's on the table" Two yelled. Everyone came and ate. I had some myself, after we finished Pony and Johnny were doing dishes and then their homswork. 

I left to go to Buck's at about 9:00. I told them I was leaving and I had my blade. Two-Bit came with me to make sure I was safe getting there. I hugged and thanked him and went inside to be met with one of Buck's famous parties. 

I went threw the crowd and straight upstairs. I went into mine and Dally's room and flopped onto the bed after locking the door. Once I fell on the bed I was out like a light. 

Soda's P.O.V. 

hen we got to my house after work I felt bad because I made Karly cut her face on the bottom of that car. She made dinner; which was my favorite, Mac and cheese. I told her after dinner, that she cooked, she wasn't going to do the dishes. 

She went and watched Mickey and then left, with Two-Bit. I was arm wrestling Steve on the coffee table, when Darry put his news paper down. 

"What happened to Karly's face?" He asked. "Well Soda and I were trying to get her attention that it was our lunch break, but she was either to focused or she was daydreaming. So Sodapop yelled her name a few times and I kicked her feet to get her attention and I guess we scared her and she jumped. Causing her to hit her head on the bottom of the car that she was working on. Soda cleaned it up while I went and got food" Steve explained to Darry. 

He nodded. "She told me she was thinking about her brother", I said continuing our match. 
Steve and Johnny stayed the night at our place and we went to be at 11:00.

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