Chapter 10- Getting Jumped

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******** Time Skip **********

Karly's P.O.V

Today is Fiday and Soda and Darry have the day off and went grocery shopping. Steve and I walked to work, while the rest walked to school.
Steve worked outside at the gas pump and I worked on cars in the garage. I was starting to get scared and my anxiety was kicking in, but I teied my best to push through it.

After lunch I was was cleaning the floors and was helping Steve in the store because he was now working at the register. Three socs walked in and started causing trouble I walked behind the counter and stood behind Steve. He could tell I was scared and he made them leave and hugged me when they were gone.

Twi-Bit came 2 hours late and helped stock magazines and stuff, while I watched to make sure he didn't steal any of it.

2 hours later we were done with work and headed to the Curtis house. But we were being followed by a blue Mustang, great, not.

Two and Steve came closer to me and his me from them, but they blocked our path one block away from the Curtis house. I was ready to fight and so were the two boys. The car stopped right in front of us and 8 socs got out. 'How do they all fit in there', I thought.

Well after a few rounds of words, we began to fit. Two was fighting three, Steve was fighting two and I was fighting two. We were doing good until that last one decided to have fun and jump me. I was doing good and got several good punches and kicks on the soocs. Two-Bit and Steve had a total of three unconscious and were each fighting one.

So the other three started to pin me down and punch my face and stomach. Kick me in the head, legs and ribs. And also, pull my hair. I has fighting them off and was about to get back up when one head-butted me and knocked me off balance, which led to the leader guy with rings punch me more while the other two pulled out blades.

I was laying on the ground struggling since I was pinned down. Two-Bit finished his guy and pulled one of the guys with the blade off of me and Steve did the same. While those two fought it out. I was punched to many times in the face and was being cut more by the blade of the guy on my stomach. He must of had enough because he started repeatedly kicking me in the head and then he slammed at baseball bat to my head.

I started to see my vision go black, just as Two-Bit and Steve turned to face me. "Karly, you better stay awake" both yelled at the same time.
But it was to late, I fell unconscious.

Steve's P.O.V.

After Karly fell unconscious, they all took off in there Mustang. Two carefully picked her up and we began walking to the Curtis house.
"Darry!! DARRY, WE NEED YOU NOW!!", I yelled running into the house. He came running out of his bedroom and saw the three of us, mostly Karly because she as in Two-Bit's arms unconscious. He yelled for Ponyboy to get the first aid kit.
We told then the story of us getting jumped.

We all agreed that Karly may have ended up worse then when we found Johnny 2 months ago after he was jumped by those same socs.
Darry cleaned up all of the cuts on Karly with soap and water and then alcohol. Then, stitched her up and wrapped her ribs and stomach and her head. Soda cleaned me and Two up while Darry did Karly. She was still unconscious.

I wonder how Dally's going to react to this when he gets back. I also wonder how long she will be unconscious for. Darry had Karly laying on the couch and everyone else sat on the floor and Darry sat in his chair. This is defenetly going to hurt tomorrow.
I think we all agree that wraith Dally was heretofore now.

Soda and Johnny went to the Dingo to get dinner. Pony was reading a book on the floor, I don't really know why I care anyway, I think that he is a tag a long kid. Darry, Two-Bit, and I were watching a movie they was on.
20 minutes later dinner was here. All of us sat in the living room and ate while watching a scary movie. Johnny flinched every now and then, Otis than that we were all able to stay composed and not freak out watching it.

When the movie finished it was late it was going on 10:30 at night. So Johnny, Two-Bit and I said goodnight and we left. I feel bad for Johnny because his parents abuse him, mostly his old man, but still someone like him doesn't deserve it. Nobody does really, knowing him, he is going to be sleep in the vacant lot tonight.
I got home and showered as threw on shorts and a t-shirt and went to bed.

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