Chapter 42

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**** 2 months later ****

Karly's P. O. V. 


I was coming home from the diner down the street after eating dinner. I walked into my house and saw dad was standing in the middle of the living room with a bottle of whisky in his hand, angry too. I slowly walk into the house and try to sneak past him when he grabbed my hair and started beating me and screaming at me. 

"Your worthless. Nobody loves you or will ever love you because you are ugly. You are a mistake. You caused your mother to die and your brother to run away."

He was yelling and kicking me, throwing in slaps and punches. I remember him dumping whisky on me and then everything went black. 

End of nightmare

I shot up at of bed shaking and crying. I couldn't see or hear anything. I was numb and didn't know what to do. All of a sudden I feel Keith shake me calling my name. I look up and see my brother running into the room and my husband looking worriedly at me. 

"Karly, tell me what this one was about. I need to know what the old man filled in your head sis. Please tell me. " Dally begged. And that is something that he normally doesn't do. 

" He beat me and called me worthless, a mistake, and I am the reason mother died and you ran away " I cried. 

He pulled me into a hug and said, "You aren't a mistake. He is just a drunk and is abusive. He was in the wrong for not loving us, mostly you. You know why I ran away, but I do regret not taking you with me. Also be is the one who killed mother, he shot her one day when you were at the park with the neighbor Sam. "
I whipped my tears away and leaned into my husband. He kissed my forehead every now and then, rubbing the top my hand with his thumb, saying caring things and things he loves about me and talks of our jellybean. 

I calmed down after 10 minutes and went to go get ready and get breakfast. Today is my next ultrasound, my 3 months. I was bringing my husband and and brother. The appointment was at noon and it was only 7 a.m. and I has a lot of time to kill. I would normally sleep in until 10:30, but I wake up earlier when I get nightmares. 
Currently we are in the hospital waiting room, waiting to see the doctor. After a few minutes the doctor calwd us back. 

"Okay, Karly, is there any problems or concerns you have? " Dr. Brown asked. I shook my head. 

"Alright. Lay down and lift your shirt up please. Good, thank you. This is going to be cold" He said putting the jelly on my stomach. 

" Well the baby is healthy. I also can tell you the gender of the baby, yes it is early, but your child is doing well I can tell you. "

I look over at Keith and he is smiling. He sees that I am looking at him and noda his head. 

" We would like to know. " I said

" It's a girl"

We thanked him and walked to the front desk to make my next appointment in 3 months. I also asked he if she could print out two more copies of the ultrasound. She nodded he head and handed them to me. I thanked her and we went to the Curtis' house. 

Keith walked in and handed the pictures of the ultrasound to the gang ( and their girls) and he told them we were having a girl. I was tired and hungry so we went home and had lunch. I had Dally and Keith work on the nursery. And this is what it looks like...
Wall art 1,Wall art 2,Wall art 3 - on the wall that don't have the animals
Name art- will go above cribe and animals. That is not her name though. 
Changing table and organized dresser

I am planning to go to sleep while the nursery is been done. And with that I am out as soon as I am on the couch.

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