Chapter 16

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Karly's P. O. V. 

woke up with a panic,  not knowing where I was.  I couldn't move my body much and continued to freak out,  as I looked around the room I was in,  noticing that I am I  the Curtis' living room. I started to remember what had happened yesterday. 

But how did I end up here?  

I moved a little bit and felt something under me and I panicked more,  looking down I saw that I was laying on the couch with Dallas.  Suddenly I felt the couch move.  Dally was waking up,  and looked at me after he rubbed the sleep out if his eyes.  I think that he noticed that I was panicked and he was cautious about his movements,  but he talked to me in a soothing way telling me everything is okay.  I just layed there crying into his chest.  

" Are you okay to sit up? " Dally asked,  I shook my head no,  saying my whole body hurt.  He sighed and helped me up and carried me to the kitchen, making some breakfast for the two of us,  even though it is like 10 in the morning.

When we were done Dally helped me walk to Buck's to shower and get dressed then we were going to go steal some stuff. I had to move slower than usual because it hurt that bad.  "Dally" I said a little above a whisper,  he came running up stairs and into our room.  

"Need me to carry you down the stairs? " I nodded and he carried me bridal style down the stairs. He even gave me a piggy back ride to the Curtis' house.  When we walked in all eyes we're on us other than Pony and Johnny of course.  Two-Bit and Darrel gave me me simplamtic looks,  while Soda and Steve were looking at me weirdly. 

I stayed close to Dally in the living room and Two comes over and joins us.  I bury me head I  Dallas' chest and let Two rub my back.  I let the years slide down my face.  

I could only think about the Scocs and what they did to me. Dally must have felt it, and used his twin sense because he suddenly grabbed my chin with his hand and forcefully made me look him in his eyes and said

" They aren't going to hurt you anymore  I made sure if that when I found you. You can cry I don't care,  you have been through a lot and I wished I took with me when I first can here.  I will make sure you have me,  Two,  or Derry with you at all times if that makes you feel my better.  Heck Tim and Curly Sheppard will walk with you,  they will want to have a conversation with them but I will have them talk about something that you can just nod to.  Hey,  look,  I know what those Socs did was wrong and I wish that they never back around if I see them again I will not hesitate to kill them. " I just nodded my head in understandment. 

" Come here Karly,  I know you want my love. " I smiled and scooted over into Two-Bit's lap.  He looked down at me and I looked up at him and snuggled my face into the side if his neck and whispered in his ear "You and Dally make me feel safe,  I love you Two." 

I looked back up and he was smiling that smile that I have loved since I first saw it.

 I got to thinking I wished that Pony boy and Johnny we're here.  " How 'bout we go to the Dingo for some lunch.  It is noon and Wednesday so there shouldn't be a lot of people there now. " Soda said. 

We all agreed and left,  Two gave me a piggy back ride since I was still shaken up and sore.  I smiled to myself think about how happy I am when I am with these people.  They are my family,  even though one is real blood.  

After the Dingo we went to the Curtis' house and watched some horror movies,  I ended up falling asleep during the middle if the third.  I had to stay close to Dallas or Two-Bit or both to sleep because I could see the Socs fresh in my mind every time I closed my eyes.

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