Chapter 25- Back to Work

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Karly's P. O. V

oday was Tuesday and it was time to go back to work after all of the events that had happened.  I was looking forward to it actually because I can keep busy and I can make some money to go buy a bunch if crap that I need.  I am still not talking,  writing,  or signing to anyone.  I am going to be my stubborn self and hold a grudge.  

I woke up at 6 this morning and showered and got ready for work and left Buck's at 7 to walk and be at work by 7:30. When I got to the DX,  I went straight to the garage and started working,  not socializing with anyone and got cars done.  I worked so long and hard that I didn't eat breakfast and lunch,  but I am not complaining because I am not hungry today.  I haven't been hungry,  I am having bad nightmares still,  and I feel numb like I am on auto pilot.  

My shift today is a double so it is 7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. I am kind of surprised that Sodapop or Steve hasn't checked up on me, I am also surprised that the Socs haven't stopped and caused trouble.  Pony and Johnny came to get Pesi- Cola's and waved at me,  Johnny came me a sad look. 

My shift is done and I am walking to the Curtis' house,  not  a caring I am covered in sweat, dirt,  and oil.  I walked in really quiet through the front door,  not making any sound and just stood in the door way with a notepad and a pen in my hand.  I wasn't going to move until I had to.  I stood there and nobody saw me yet  and I was glad, Darry then yelled that dinner was done all of the gang ran by me and didn't see me.  It took them half an hour to eat the meal that was for dinner.  

After the gang ate and talked at the table,  cleaning it and putting dirty dishes in the sink for Pony and Soda to wash and dry,  they all walked past me again.  It was going in 9 at night and I sat down because my legs were tired and I was bored,  yet no one saw me still.  I stood back up at Midnight and was finally seen when Steve got up off the floor and announced that he was going home at 2 in the morning.  

" Shit!  Karly,  how long have you been standing here?", Steve asked after he ran into me.  I wrote on the note pad "7 hours and 30 minutes." 

That is when my brother looked up and said " You have been in the doorway since 6:30?" I looked at him and nodded.  He came over and picked me up and sat me down on the couch staring at the side of my head because I was watching Mickey to avoid making eye contact with any of them.  

At this point Johnny  Pony,  Soda,  and Darry went to bed.  Steve had already left  and Two was just now leaving,  kissing me on the lips before he left.  I had returned the kiss and smiled a small smile at him.  Dallas and I slept on the couch.

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