Chapter 15

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AN:  Just ignore the Ponyboy girl in the middle of the picture,  but this is her outfit

Pony's P. O. V

walked with Johnny to the vacant lot because I didn't want to go home yet,  I was enjoying the view of the stars.  We sat by the small fire that was going,  talking about the whole mess between Socs and Greasers,  what it would be like in the country,  and about our parents.  

After a while of talking,  I fell asleep because Johnny was waking me up saying that I better get home.  I walked to my house thinking what is Darry going to say.  I was just hoping that he wasn't uo,  but to my luck he was.  I walked in getting ready to be yelled at.  

"Where in the heck have you been?  Do you know what time it is?" He was getting madder then I've ever seen him in a long time. 

"Well it is 2 O' clock in the morning kiddo. Another hour and I would have had the police out after you.  Where were you Pony? - His voice rising- " Where is the God's Almighty universe were you? " 

" I feel asleep in the lot..." I was stuttering, sounding sounding stupid.  
"You what? " He yelled louder now,  waking Soda up on the couch.  And he asked me sleepily where I was.  
"I didn't mean to" Pleading Darry.  "I was talking to Johnny and we both dropped off..." 

"I reckon it never occurred to you tht your brothers might be worrying their heads off and afraid to call the police because something like that could get you two thrown in a boys' home so fast it'd make your head spin.  And you were asleep in the lot?  Can't you use your head?  You haven't even got a chat on." Darry said angerly. 

"I said I didn't mean to... " I was crying by now.  " I didn't mean to,  I forgot,  that's all I ever I hear out you. " Darry said looking me in the eye.  

"Darry... " Soda began but Darry turned around and yelled at him.

"You keep your trap shut. I'm sick and tired of you sticking up for him!! "

Then I lost it,  "Don't you yell at him! " Then all of a sudden I was knocked on the ground because Darry had slapped me across the face.  I stood up crying more,  shaking my head at him and ran out the door. 

"Ponyboy,  I didn't mean to! " Darry yelled out the open door as I sprinted down the street towards the lot. 

"Johnny? " I called.  "Come on Johnny we are running away! " 

I told Johnny everything that had just happend and we agreed to walk to the park and hopefully cool off.  As we got there,  we spotted Bob and Randy trailing us to the park.  They pulled up right in front of us,  " Are these the Greasers that tried to pick up our women? " Bob said clearly drunk,  I could smell him all the way in top of the jungle gym.  

"Ay,  you better watch it pal. " Johnny said trying to act cool even though he was scared out of his mind and was looking right at Bob's rings the whole time.  " No pal,  you better watch it." Randy replied,  " You know what a grease is? White trash with long greasy hair. " That's when I lost it a little,  " You know what a Soc is?  White trash Mustangs and Madras " And I spit I  his face.  They started chasing us and beating us up.  

Johnny was thrown on the ground and kicked in the ribs told to stay down.  While I was being drowned,  Bob kept trash talking me and dumping booze in my face.  All of a sudden,  he fell to the ground with me and then I blacked out.  When I woke up,  I saw that Bob was dead on the ground.  " You really killed him huh Johnny. " 

"I had to they were drowning you and they were going to kill me like before. " I went to go throw up and told Johnny that we needed to go to see Dally,  he was the only one that could hurt us out of this.  

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