Chapter 40- A Little Surprise

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Karly's P. O. V. 

was enjoying my sleep until I had the feeling that I was going to throw up. I was at Buck's in my room with Dally. I run into the bathroom, leaving the door open, and throw up into the toilet. It wasn't long before I felt my hair being pulled up and away from my neck and face and a hand rubbing my back. I already knew who it was, my twin.

When I was done, I grabbed a wash cloth and cleaned my mouth and I rinsed out my mouth. I looked at my brother and he asked if I was alright, I nodded my head and shrugged my showers. I have been throwing up for the past week every morning and sometimes after eating. Then it hit me and maybe Dallas too. 

"Have you and Two-Bit had sex yet? I know you talked about it. My guess is your are pregnant. We can go to the store and get some test and you can take them when we get back here. If it says you are then we can go to the doctor to confirm, okay."

I nodded and we get ready and leave. We walked about 10 minutes until we got to the store. I grabbed two boxes and we payed for them, more like I payed while my twin was stealing other things. After another 10 minute walk back to Buck's, I go into the bathroom and lock the door. I take three test to make sure they would be more accurate. I unlock the door and walk into my room and grab Dally's hand and guide him to the bathroom and we wait for the results. He is hugging me from behind, whispering in my ear sweet, caring things to help support me. 

When the time is up, we moved to the counter to look at all of them and they all say positive. I turn to Dally's chest and start crying, I am happy and scarred. He hugs me and runs a hand up and down my back to calm me down. He tells me to clean up in here and my self while he calls to make an appointment. 

Dally comes up the stairs to our room and tells me it is in 20 minutes, so we make our way down stairs and tell Buck we have plans and will be back later. We arrive at the hospital and tell the lady at the front desk my name. 

A nurse walks into the waiting room right after and takes us back to a room away from everything else. She does the normal: check my heart rate and blood pressure, check my eye, my ears, and breathing, she weighs me and measures my hight. When she is done she leaves and the doctor cones in 5 minutes later. 

" Hi, my name is Dr. Brown and I will be your doctor through your whole pregnancy. So you must be Karly, and Dallas your brother. " I nod. 

He had me lay down on the table and lift up my shirt. He applied jelly on my stomach and put his ultrasound wand on my stomach. He moved it around and explained what he was doing and how it worked.

"Oh look , this is you baby, congrats. " Dr. Brown said while pointing to the screen.

"You are 1 month along. He are a few copies of the ultrasound picture. When you are ready, you can go schedule your next appointment for 2 months from now. Have a nice day. " Dr. Brown said while cleaning off my stomach. 

Dally and I make my next appointment and head to the Curtis'. We start talking about different things, it mostly about my wedded and the baby. My wedding is next Saturday, and I couldn't be more excited. I have the copies of the ultrasound in my leather jacket pocket, that way I can pull it out sneakily and show Two-Bit. 

When we walk in I notice that everyone is there and I tense a little. Dally outs his hands on my shoulders and squeezed them reashuringly. I sigh and sit on the couch behind my boyfriend. He is sitting on the floor watching Mickey drinking his beer, he grabs my hand and continues to watch TV. 

I wait about another hour and make eye contact with my brother before I pull Keith by is hand outside to the porch and sit. He sits down and I sit to his right and look at the picture. He pulls me closer and lean my head on his shoulder and sigh, laying the picture in his lap. 

He looks down and picks it up to get a better look. He looks down at me with a smile and lifts my chin with his finger, so I can look into his eyes. "I'm going to be a dad. I am going to be the best dad ever." He says with the biggest smile. I nod and kiss him and whisper I Love you. 

" How far along are you?"

" One month" I say quietly with a smile. 

He gets up and offers me a hand, I allow him to pull me up. We lace our fingers and sit on the couch. I shove Steve out if the way and curl into Keith's side and fall asleep with a smile on my face. 

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