Chapter 11- Life Goes on

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Steve's P.O.V 

woke up and took a shower. I got out after 10 minutes, I changed into my jeans and my DX shirt, put grease in my hair after I combed it and brushed my teeth. I put on my shoes that were by the front door and left quietly, not wanting to wake up my old man. 
I walked to the Curtis house wanting to get my hands on some chocolate cake, to see my best friend and to see if Karly was awake yet.

I walked in and said "Good Morning", and grabbed the cake out of the fridge. Since today is Saturday, Ponyboy, Johnny, and Two-Bit don't have school and the rest of us work. Karly was still unconscious on the couch. Two-Bit was sitting on the floor by her head, drinking a beer and eating cake, watching his favorite; Mickey. 

"Hurry up Soda, we're going to be late!", I yelled from the kitchen. " Sorry, I'm hurrying. Let's go, let's go" he said running out of his room. 
Darry dropped us off at work and said " I will stop by on my break to see you guys. I will also go home and propably eat, but I will check up on the others and see if Karly has made any progress". Then he drove off. 
"I will work register and you can work the pump and work in the garage" I told Soda, unlocking the front door. 

"Yeah that's fine. Hey, I was meaning to ask you, is Karly doing okay working here? Is she fixing cars up well?", he asked. 

"Yeah she's going a nice job, hasn't asked me for any help or anything. She knows what she is doing I can tell you that" I replied. Soda and I split in different directions, me going into the store and him going to the gas pump outside. I started stocking the magazine rack, the soda cooler and the candy bars. 

---------Time Skip 4 hours--------


Hey boys, how's it going?" Darry asked walking I the door. "It has been fine other than it is slow today. And nobody is flirting also" I replied. 
"Well that's good. I went home first to check up on the boys and Karly. I made a sandwich for lunch. The boys were doing fine, the house wasn't on fire which is good. But Karly is in the same state she was in the morning. I don't know what else we can do but wait. We are going to take her to the hospital if she doesn't wake up by Tuesday", Darry said. 

We nodded in understand meant and also agreement and we talked for not. Then it was our lunch break soon after Darry left. We got off early because business was slow. It was only 2:00 right now, so Soda and I walked home a caught up with the other three. We showered and changed Karly's bandages. Darry came home at 4, and we all decided to eat at the Dingo for dinner, then come back and watch a movie. We also agreed that we were all staying the night. 

***********Time Skip************

It wa going on Midnight when we went to bed. I went to bed thinking about the game tomorrow and Karly. 
I really need my other bestie to wake up. We'll have to wait and see what tomorrow brings.

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