Chapter 41- Buying a House and Wedding Day

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Karly's P. O. V. 

y wedding is in 3 days and I can't wait. Keith and I are looking at houses near Darry's so we can stay close. Speaking if houses we like the one across the street and bought it. Dally is going to be living with us, so he can have an actual home. But he also brought up that he is going to be an uncle and wants to be there every step of the way. I also told Keith and Dallas I wanted the 3 of us to live together just in case I have any problems with nightmares or panic attacks, and even having help with our child to come. 

Our house is a 5 bedroom, 3 bath, open living room, dining room and kitchen, has a basement, and it's own laundry room. Keith and I have the master bedroom and my brother has the second largest. We have 2 Emory rooms right now and the third is going to be the nursery and room if our first born. 

The gang was packing and loading everything into the cars that we had. Darry, Soda and Steve were bringing in the future we bought. Johnny and Pony were helping Dally get our stuff from Buck's. Keith was at his house packing with the help of Laura, and I was at the Curtis' packing the stuff that I had there. I know that it is early in my pregnancy, but the boys have been protective of me nd are not letting me do  lot if work. They don't wanting me stressed and moving anything heavy. 

Laura talked to me in private yesterday for most of the day about my plans. She is going to be my mother-in-law, but really she is my mother. She is helping me with my pregnancy and is excited to be a grandma. She is also in charge of the wedding. 

I picked up my box that was packed band left the Curtis house and walked across the street and put my box of clothes on the floor by the front door, but off to the side so it wasn't in the way. The boys were all here and putting everything in place. (I also forgot to mention, we bought the house first, then we bought the furniture and groceries.) 

After I set the box down, I sighed and walked into the kitchen. I was trying to relax and get my head clear, I have been thinking too much about a bunch of stuff it was stressing and wearing me out. Two-Bit walked into the kitchen 5 minutes later and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my shoulder, putting is chin on it. " Are you okay? You need anything?"

I leaned back into his touch and let out a breath I was holding. " I am tired, I haven't had anything to eat today, I am stressed, and everything" I said crying into his shoulder.

He picked me up and we want to Darry's. He layed me down on the couch and went and made food in the kitchen. It was quite and just what I needed. Keith came out with grilled cheese and Pepsi. I smiled and ate it. He layed on the couch and pulled me into him and we feel asleep with him diving my back.

Sodapop's P. O. V. 

am helping the gang set up the nursery and we needed to ask Karly a question. It was about the whole room really. We need to know what color she wants it, how she wants the furniture, decorations, etc. 

"Hey Soda, go and find my sister and have her come here. Bring Two-Bit also. " Dally said. 

I left the room and looked around in the living room and kitchen because I knew that is where they were. I walked in to the kitchen and they weren't there and they weren't in the living room. I walked back to the nursery and said " They aren't here. I am going to check my house. "

I left the house and quietly walked into mine and immediately saw them laying on the couch asleep. There is a plate sitting on the coffee table and a half full Pepsi can, I know that it is Karly's. I walk to the couch and see Karly is wrapped in Two-Bit's arms, he has his hands on her stomach protective. I find it cute. I also see she has tear stains on her checks. 

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