Chapter 38- Birthday Twins

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Karly's P. O. V

oday is March 10th and it is mine and Dallas's 19th birthday. I hope that it is a good one, last year it was okay, but it has been a hell of a year. I woke up with Dallas still sleeping, so I gently shook his shoulder, "Dally, get up it's our birthday" I said a little excited. 

After Dallas got up we both got ready and went to the Curtis' to hang with the gang. We both had our presents for each other with us. I am a little scarred to see Keith, he told me the other day that he sees the things that I do on the future but that doesn't make me feel better. As we were walking, I looked over at my brother and I told him how I feel. "Dallas I'm scarred. I know that Keith told me the things he wants in the future with me the other day, but I am still scarred. I feel like I am the only one that really cares about our relationship. "

" Well, I know that is a lie. He is in it just as much as you are. He won't shut up about you and your future.", he replies. 

When we arrive to the front door, I hesitate before walking in after my brother. I set my gift on the coffee table in the living room and sit on Two-Bit's lap. He gave me a kiss on my lips and my forehead. I smiled at him and leaned back into his touch. Darry salad out of the kitchen and handed me and my brother a plate of French toast with bacon and he gave Dally a beer and he hot chocolate. I smiled at Darry and nodded. I haven't talked a lot recently, I mostly only talk to my brother and sometimes my boyfriend. 

We open our presents when we are done eating. I got a bunch of cool things from the gang and my brother. I was waiting for Keith to give me his present still. " Karly can you go to the kitchen with Dally for a minute? ", Two-Bit asked.

I nod and we walk to the kitchen, while I am in there I grab a beer and open it. Dally wraps his arms around me and I relax and calm down in his arms. I was getting a little scarred and stressed and he could sense that. 

Johnny walks into the kitchen and tells us we can go back in the living room. I walk in with my beer and I see candles lit  rose petals on the floor and table, and I see Laura. I am confused on what is happening, but I still walk over to my boyfriend. 
Two-Bit looks at Darry, who gave him a nod. He takes a breathe and gets down on one knee and pulls out a box and opens it to a ring.

" Karly, my love, my Minnie Mouse. I have loved you since I got to know you better after making fun of you when you arrived here. Since then I have loved you, you are my life, my sun, I can't live without you. You make me happy and I want to spend the rest of my life with you until I die. I want to have a fantastic future with you, I will make you happy and love you everyday. Karly, will you do me the honor of making my the luckiest man and marry me ". 

I freeze and look at him. I stare at him for a minute and drop my beer on the floor and nod my head, running up to him and jumping on him. I wrapped my arms and legs around his waist and kissed him while he spun me around. " Yes" I mumbled against his lips.

He set me down and put them ring on my finger and huged me. I was crying because I was so happy. 
I ran over to my brother and hugged him just like I did to Two-Bit. He kissed my head and hugged he tight. Mumbling, " I'm proud of you. You've grown up so much."

I release his and walk over to Laura and hug her crying. She hugged me rights and I whispered " I love you mom." And she broke down sobbing, " I love you too daughter." 
Two-Bit and Dallas join us in the hug, we are know a family. This what I have wanted my whole life. <<<<< Ring 💍

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