Chapter 21

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Karly's P. O. V

Two-Bit and I woke up cuddled together in the hill with the sun shinning bright in the sky.  I remember the events last night and smiled to myself because that was a wonderful night and date.  I looked over at Two-Bit to see him already looking at me.  He looked down at me and I looked up at him and we gave each other s kiss on the lips.  

We layed in the grass looking at each other for a while,  he was running his hand through my hair and kissed my forehead and said we should go back home. We got in his car and I looked over at him and kissed him and then I whispered in his ear "I loved last night,  it was the best date and night of my life.  I love you Two-Bit. " "I love you too Karly. "

He drove me to Buck's and I went into mine and Dally's room grabbed clothes and went into the bathroom to shower.  After 20 minutes I showered,  did my hair,  brushed my teeth,  and out in a little make up.  I walked back into our bedroom and hung my dress up in the closet,  put my heels away,  and grabbed my purple chucks.  

I walked downstairs to see Buck and Dallas talking.  They stopped and looked at me as I aporoched them and smiled and waved.  Dally gave me a hug and told Buck we were going to the Curtis house.  I made sure I had my switch with me and I did. The walk was peaceful no Socs bothering us this time. 

I told Dally all about last night and told him that I am happy and relaxed after the past few weeks. Dally smiled and was glad that I felt better and we also talked about how our birthday is in 4 days. We both haven't told anybody when our birthday is and we want to keep it thaw way. Although I did get Dallas a  present,  it is a new switch and cancer sticks. 

I don't work today with is great because I did not want to go.  Yes,  I love working there and what I but I hate people picking on my or leaving me by myself for to long.  

When we got to the Curtis' everyone was already there including Two-Bit.  I smiled and waved,  I looked at Two-Bit on the couch and remembered last night and how the world just stopped and we were frozen in time with nothing to worry about.  I sat down next to Two and took his beer from his hand and finished it,  after I gave him a kiss.  "Hey,  that's mine.  Get your own. " He complained.  

I smiled and shrugged my shoulders. Everyone in the room was laughing,  I was chuckling also.  " Somebody has to limit him other than me,  thanks Karly, " Darry said.  I smiled and nodded to him. Dally came out of the kitchen and handed my a slice of chocolate cake and a  beer.  " Thanks"

It was Sunday so Darry, Steve,  Soda, and I didn't have work and everyone but Dallas didn't have school.  I started to watch Mickey after I finished my cake and thought This is my family this is where I belong.  Not in New York with my parents,  not alone,  or dead somewhere.  I have my twin brother back in my life,  my first boyfriend,  and great friends to call family.  Mom and dad are missing out in many great things and I am glad that they aren't here,  because life would be more screwed up. 

We ate lunch around 12:30 then we went and played football in the lot.  The teams were me,  Dally,  Darry,  and Soda vs.  Pony,  Johnny, Steve,  and Two-Bit. We played for about 2 hours and my team won,  thanks to my great football skills,  I am a fast runner and a great tackler.  "You made great tackles Karly,  I am surprised by that.  It even hurt a little, " Steve said,  and the others nodded in agreement.

  I smiled and jumped on Dally's back and gave him a kiss in the cheeck and then leaned over to his ear and whispered "I love you big brother. " He smiled and whispered back "I love you too Little Miss. Sunshine" and gave me a kiss on the temple.  I snuggled my face into his neck,  smiling.

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