Chapter 2- Running Away

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Karly's P.O.V 

 I woke up after having a nightmare and couldn't fall back asleep. So I looked at my clock at it read 7:48 a.m. So I got ready and went downstairs to make breakfast and then head out to the park. I made French toast, with hot chocolate and I also had bacon with it. Usually I have to clean something up from my parents fight the night before. I look and see broken glass, empty beer bottles everywhere and I see dirty dishes on the counter.

After making and eating breakfast I clean up the house. 
I head to the park with my Pesi tank top on, short shorts, my purple zebra socks, and my purple Chucks. I put on a little makeup and brush my hair and teeth, then grap my 8 in. switch had a purple handle and my initials carved into it. I was swinging for about 2 hours, then I went home. 
 When I got home, yelling could be heard outside like any day. I walk in and get yelled at and punched in the face. That was it I took off to my room, packed everything I owned, all the money I had a what my old man had.  Then I walked into Dally's old room and grabbed some more things, then I ran downstairs and through the front door.

Good bye New York, hello Tulsa.

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